St. Nicholas School Pinheiros
- from 1
- to 18 years old
21 different nationalities
- from 94500
- to 159125
650 students
Founded in 1980
Primary Years Programme (IB PYP), Diploma Programme (IB DP), IGCSE
Inquiry, principled action and critical reflection underpin the work at St. Nicholas School
Throughout the curriculum the school offers a vibrant and innovative education which seeks to inspire and challenge our learners to develop a deep-seated love of learning. Emphasis is placed on the process of how students learn as much as what they are learning.
We offer an inquiry-based curriculum which is both rigorous and relevant, grounded in the real-world. Learning at St. Nicholas focuses on higher-order thinking skills and multiple intelligences, alongside an integrated use of technology and multimedia.
Our learners develop intercultural understandings, as they are key members of our international community. They learn that communicating in multiple ways in more than one language is critical in today’s globalised world. At St. Nicholas, more than 90% of students earn a Bilingual International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma on graduating in Year 12. St. Nicholas currently offers first language instruction to Diploma Level in the following languages: English, French, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese and Spanish.
At St. Nicholas, we seek to develop a diverse community of lifelong learners who are internationally minded global citizens. Our learners learn that through collaboration, they can work together to make the world a better place. We do this so that all of our students have the chance to model the knowledge, are equipped with the skills and share the values needed to thrive in an ever-changing world.
As an IB World School, we are authorised by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) to offer the Primary Years Programme and the Diploma Programme (currently a candidate school for MYP)
The school is also accredited by the Brazilian Education Ministry (MEC). The Portuguese language, alongside Brazilian culture, literature, geography and history occupy a prominent place in the school’s curriculum alongside international elements and perspectives, so as to honour the diverse nature of the school.
Throughout each key stage in students’ learning, the school offers a vibrant and innovative education which inspires and challenges our students to develop a love of learning. As a result, our students are empowered with the knowledge, skills and values to thrive in a rapidly changing world.
Extra curricular
At St. Nicholas School, we are proud to offer a broad variety of Extra Curricular Activities in the areas of sports (with ball, on wheels, martial arts, climbing, etc.), arts (dance, music, visual arts, drawing, clay, embroidery, etc.), board games and recreational activities. ECAs take place at lunchtime and after school and are led by a combination of teachers, parents, outside agencies and Secondary School learners.
We encourage our students to take part in ECAs allowing them to develop a balanced lifestyle and appreciation for fitness as a means to create new friendships, develop existing passions and to discover new ones. ECAs are a great opportunity for children to develop the attributes and attitudes that define our school: to be risk-takers and inquirers; to be cooperative, open minded, caring people.
Sport is highly valued as St. Nicholas School. Students are taught technical and motor skills within the timetabled curriculum as well as in their chosen sporting ECAs. They have the opportunities to train for school teams and represent their school in tournaments and fixtures with other schools. Pupils are also encouraged to participate in non-representative sports that offer recreational and competitive opportunities.
The aims and objectives of sport at St. Nicholas are to develop each student’s interpersonal skills, attitudes and attributes in relation to the IB learner profile. Sport at St. Nicholas also enables learners to proactively develop their leadership skills, as well as providing them a safe and guided environment to practise managing their emotions; to encourage teamwork and sportsmanship and to foster interpersonal respect.
Events organised by the Physical Education (PE) Department are a key feature of the school calendar. The primary purpose is to contribute towards the mission of the school by providing a range of sporting experiences geared towards developing each learner’s unique potential, increasing participation and strengthening our sense of community through collaboration.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to St. Nicholas School Pinheiros?
- from 94500
- to 159125
Day school tuition
Things to know
All Year (ideally in begining of Jully)
How many students are in St. Nicholas School Pinheiros?
650 students
- In total, St. Nicholas School Pinheiros enrolls
- 650 students from
- 21 different nationalities.
Yes, we have 2 nurses and have a contract with a private emergency health removal service. All families are required to fill out annual health forms and provide medical information regarding their child. Staff are trained in First Aid every 2 years. If needed, students are taken to the nearest hospital for emergency care.
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