St. Louis School
- from 3
- to 18 years old
40 different nationalities
- from 12910
- to 24430
1500 students
Founded in 1996
Cambridge IGCSE, International Baccalaureate
Italian Curriculum, British Curriculum/ IGCSE/ IB DP
The St. Louis School’s academic programme is rigorous and challenging. The Early Years programme is based on the British Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum.
Primary and Middle School follow the British National Curriculum with an option for students 6 years and upwards to also follow the Italian curriculum.
The High School, which provides boarding facilities, comprises of IGCSE examinations for Years 10-11 and the International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB) for Years 12-13 with over 150 students each year studying this unique course.
The approach reinforces the importance of creative and critical thinking, with the school developing independent learners well equipped to succeed in the IB and beyond.
St. Louis School achieves outstanding academic results in the IB diploma results with the highest average score in Europe 7 years running (37 average).
The school opened its new High School in the centre of Milan (Palazzo Archinto) in September 2019. A magnificent historic building located in via Olmetto will accommodate all senior school students from Years 10-13. Designed by architect Francesco Maria Richini in the 17th century and situated in the centre of Milan, the Palace provides the perfect learning environment for students of this age, blending state-of-the art educational facilities within historic surroundings.
Extra curricular
football, volleyball, basketball, judo, ballet, art, workshops, foreign language tuition, excursions and instrumental music lessons
The third campus, opened in 2017 at Via Marcantonio Colonna, hosts our Boarding School providing outstanding boarding facilities for both full-time and weekly boarders between the ages of 14-18 years old. At St. Louis Boarding School, we create an environment where pupils have peace of mind and are able to achieve their best in a nurturing, stimulating and supportive atmosphere. All boarding students are expected to uphold the values of St. Louis School which are the heart of our boarding community. We believe that students embrace the boarding experience because we strive to create a “home away from home”, along with outstanding academic opportunities. Boarders are exposed to a rich and balanced portfolio of experiences at St. Louis Boarding House. We arrange many recreational school trips and outings. Our aim is to instill meaningful values and good behavior. Respect and consideration of others are the cornerstones of our philosophy. Rest assured that your son/daughter will not only enjoy their time with us, but thrive and blossom in this highly stimulating environment. We can host up to 22 students in comfortable flats consisting of two bedrooms and one bathroom. Each room is organised to accommodate two students. Each student is given a high bed with a cupboard and bookshelves underneath. Rooms are well equipped with modern furniture, including a desk for students to study and a small whiteboard for personal use. The possibility of having a roommate is an enriching aspect of the boarding experience. The boarding house has a dining room, a TV room and a large living room where students can spend free time together. A laundry is available as well, where students can leave their clothes to be washed and ironed. Boarders aged 14-18 will spend their days completing their International Baccalaureate (IB Diploma) at our Archinto Campus, the top performing IB World School in Continental Europe. As a highly respected qualification, the IB Diploma equips our students with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in their next educational steps at prestigious universities and colleges around the world. During the evening, all boarders will return to the boarding house and will be expected to engage in a structured academic and recreational evening programme designed to strengthen their academic performance, build strong social skills and encourage full participation in boarding school life. Weekly boarders stay with us from Monday morning to Friday afternoon, while full boarders will have sports, activities and optional trips and excursions to fill their weekends.
Dining room
Swimming pool
Soccer court
Basketball court
Volleyball court
Arts room
Computer room
Music room
Running track
Dance studio
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to St. Louis School?
- from 12910
- to 24430
Things to know
Enrolment period open all year round
How many students are in St. Louis School?
1500 students
- In total, St. Louis School enrolls
- 1500 students from
- 40 different nationalities.