St George’s British International School, Rome
- from 3
- to 18 years old
84 different nationalities
- from 10700
- to 19900
860 students
Founded in 1958
St George's is accredited by ISI and is a member of ECIS, CIS, COBIS and HMC
St George’s British International School is an inclusive, not-for-profit school and one of the leading schools of its kind in continental Europe. We offer an ambitious academic programme, a plethora of co-curricular activities and a strong pastoral system that develops all facets of each pupil’s personality so that they can take their place in the world as confident, successful individuals. The main campus is a 14 acre site in the north of the city, with a further Junior School campus located close to the Vatican in central Rome.
The pupils at St George’s represent nearly 100 different nationalities. This celebration of cultural diversity as at the heart of the school’s ethos and admission policies. Whilst an expansive range of core and optional subjects are taught at various stages of the curriculum, Mathematics, the Sciences, English and foreign languages are always at the heart of every pupil’s curriculum. Pupils follow the UK National Curriculum up to IGCSE, followed in the Sixth Form by the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP).
Extra curricular
An extensive co-curricular programme of over 200 different clubs and activities enables pupils to participate in a wide range of opportunities beyond the curriculum. There are a plethora of creative and performing arts clubs. Sports teams include rugby, football, basketball, hockey, volleyball, athletics and tennis. Other clubs include Model United Nations, Philosophy, Coding, Design, Environmental Awareness, LGBTQIA+ and Student Council. Pupils are also involved in raising funds for an orphanage in Zambia.
Dining room
Swimming pool
Tennis court
Soccer court
Basketball court
Volleyball court
Hockey field
Arts room
Computer room
Music room
Baseball field
Running track
Science room
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to St George’s British International School, Rome?
- from 10700
- to 19900
Things to know
Red Dragons (Nursery) to Year 13
How many students are in St George’s British International School, Rome?
860 students
- In total, St George’s British International School, Rome enrolls
- 860 students from
- 84 different nationalities.