St Cuthbert’s College
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1412 students
Founded in 1915
National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA), International Baccalaureate (IBO)
St Cuthbert’s students have a reputation for obtaining exceptional academic results. We are now offering our own St Cuthbert’s Year 11 Diploma.
From Years 12 and 13 there is a choice of two academic pathways. With both NCEA and International Baccalaureate (IB) qualifications on offer, no matter your daughter’s academic aspirations and interests, our approach to teaching means that our students gain the tools to become adaptable, forward-thinking, life-long learners.
Extra curricular
We have budding scientists, potential sports stars, aspiring artists and performers – as well as lots of girls who are yet to discover their passions and strengths.
What’s important to us, is that every girl feels confident to have a go and try everything – having fun in the process.
From a young age we ask our students to look beyond the classroom and embrace educational opportunities that spark their curiosity.
Camps and trips allow girls to experience memorable education outside of our Epsom campus and allow St Cuthbert’s girls to make important connections between what they are learning in class to the world around them… Not to mention they are incredibly fun!
Extracurricular activities are divided into:
- Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Drama, Speech)
- Sports (Social Sports, Competitive Sports, Athlete Pathway Programme)
- Beyond the Classroom activities
- Leadership
We have three boarding houses and each boarding house caters for designated year levels. Girls move between boarding houses as they progress through the Senior School.
St Cuthbert’s provides three Boarding options:
- Full Boarding: Boarders remain at the school during the weekend, with the option of taking leave on any weekend.
- Weekly Boarding: Boarders return home during the weekend, with the option of remaining in boarding during the weekend if needed.
- Flexi Boarding: Day students stay as temporary boarders (short stays if parents are away or when girls have school commitments out of hours).
Boardingware (an online tool) ensures that you as parents have complete oversight of your daughter’s leave requests.
The Boarding House offers a structured Prep Programme in the evenings to enable students to complete their homework and study for assessments and examinations.
International Boarders
At St Cuthbert’s we give international students an extra level of support. Our wraparound pastoral care programme recognises the difficult transition these girls face when they move to another country and includes for our international families: an induction day; student lunches; themed dinners; and regular meetings with the international students’ co-ordinator and counsellor.
Dining room
Swimming pool
Tennis court
Soccer court
Arts room
Computer room
Music room
Running track
Dance studio
Science room
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to St Cuthbert’s College?
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Things to know
From Year 0 to Year 13
How many students are in St Cuthbert’s College?
1412 students