Sharjah English School
- from 3
- to 18 years old
70 different nationalities
- from 27390
- to 70135
1040 students
Founded in 1974
Sharjah English School follows the National Curriculum of England and caters to students of ages 3 – 18.
As the first accredited ‘Curiosity Approach’ setting in the UAE our Early Years specialists understand and value the importance of a holistic approach to child development. In the Foundation Stage at SES the curriculum is planned and resourced to ignite the children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning and to provide opportunities for all children to succeed in a secure atmosphere, one in which they feel valued.
There is an increasing emphasis placed on the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science, whilst classes also enjoy a child centred approach to learning and see a real purpose to everything they do. We further enhance the children’s experience through themed days and educational trips to venues such as Green Planet, Dubai Fire Station and Sharjah Astronomy Centre. We have outstanding facilities. The department is characterised by bright and airy classrooms, with shared learning zones that allow the children to further develop their natural curiosity and independence through independent challenges.
All students are entitled to an appropriate curriculum that is broad, balanced, differentiated, rigorous and relevant to student needs. In addition to their academic progress this will cater for their creative, social, physical, emotional, moral and spiritual development.
The I/GCSE years offer new challenges for students aged 14-16 years at Sharjah English School (SES). The curriculum is more academically demanding than in previous years and assessment in the form of coursework occurs throughout the two year period. Students have to plan their time more effectively and show greater initiative in their studies.
Students are expected to study three subjects at A Level for the duration of the two year course (years 12 and 13). They also follow an enrichment programme designed to ensure they become well rounded, well prepared young adults, ready for the world of higher education.
The programme will involve:
Creativity: Experiences that involve creative thinking, experimentation and expression.
Activity: Physical exertion that contributes to a healthier lifestyle, and involves personal challenge. This will be linked to the PE/Sport programme.
Service-learning: an unpaid voluntary exchange that has learning benefits, while maintaining the rights, dignity and autonomy of all involved.
Extra curricular
At SES, our ECA program is integral to our students’ education rather than supplementary. Activities are seamlessly integrated with pastoral and academic development, serving as a bridge between different aspects of our educational approach. These activities play a crucial role in supporting each child’s growth, with skills and confidence gained outside the classroom often enhancing their academic success. The activities range from sport to drama, music to knitting for Africa, board games to medical society, Dungeons and Dragons to astrophysics. We try and cater for all. The ECA program begins in Year 3 and continues all the way through Sixth Form with many Sixth Formers having the opportunity to lead ECA’s to share their passions.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Sharjah English School?
- from 27390
- to 70135
Day school tuition
Things to know
FS1 / Pre-KG (ages 3 to 4)FS2 / KG 1 (ages 4 to 5) Year 1/ KG 2 (ages 5 to 6) Year 2/ Gr 1 (ages 6 to 7) Year 3 / Gr 2 (ages 7 to 8) Year 4 / Gr 3 (ages 8 to 9) Year 5 / Gr 4 (ages 9 to 10) Year 6 / Gr 5 (ages 10 to 11) Year 7 / Gr 6 (ages 11 to 12) Year 8 / Gr 7 (ages 12 to 13) Year 9 / Gr 8 (ages 13 to 14) Year 10 / Gr 9 (ages 14 to 15) Year 11/ Gr 10 (ages 15 to 16) Year 12 / Gr 11 (ages 16 to 17)
How many students are in Sharjah English School?
1040 students
- In total, Sharjah English School enrolls
- 1040 students from
- 70 different nationalities.
1:15 on average