Sage College: The British International School of Jerez

Sage College: The British International School of Jerez
- from 2
- to 18 years old
20 different nationalities
- from 6450
- to 8100
400 students
Founded in 2006
CIE Cambridge, Pearson Edexcel, Spanish Ministry of Education
We follow the Cambridge International Curriculum which is based on the National Curriculum of England and Wales throughout, which means that students gain an education as if they were in a school in the UK. This is not solely about becoming bilingual in English and Spanish. The curriculum is designed to meet the individual needs of every student, providing exposure to a broad and balanced range of stimulating and motivating learning experiences. A variety of teaching methods are employed to ensure that each student progresses at their own pace. The official examinations in the British system, including IGCSE at age 16 and A-level at age 18 are recognised globally, allowing students to attend universities around the world. In addition our students also take lessons in the subjects of Spanish Lengua y Literatura and Cultura Española so that they can validate their studies with the Spanish system.
Extra curricular
Playing together, running, jumping, jumping on the floor, scoring goals, dancing, horse riding, balancing, winning games, laughing and enjoying ourselves. Our extracurricular activities try to meet the physical needs and tastes of the children to provide them with a space in which they can learn, practice and improve their favourite activities, without forgetting the educational dimension and the values they provide them with. Companionship, team spirit, the desire to excel and the discovery of one’s own abilities are combined with sporting or artistic practice so that any activity becomes a healthy leisure option for children. At Sage College we have a varied extracurricular programme adapted to all ages (you can consult the complete programme here. All teachers are highly qualified and have many years of experience in the different disciplines offered.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Sage College: The British International School of Jerez?
- from 6450
- to 8100
Things to know
Foundation Stage-Key Stage 5 (2-18 years old)
How many students are in Sage College: The British International School of Jerez?
400 students
- In total, Sage College: The British International School of Jerez enrolls
- 400 students from
- 20 different nationalities.
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