Ranum Efterskole College
- from 14
- to 17 years old
25 different nationalities
- from 187320
500 students
Founded in 2004
Cambridge International School / Danish National Curriculum for 9th and 10th grade / The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award / Member of Nordic Network of International Schools, and ECIS. An UNESCO World School / AFS partner
We strive to create a framework in which students participate in decision-making, take responsibility for own personalised learning experience and personal development as well as interacting in our community. We believe that in order to prepare and empower our students to the complex and dynamic world, it is a necessity that they live, learn, challenge, experience and push themselves.
It is our responsibility to provide the support and encouragement, to create the safe and trustworthy setting, and facilitate a vision of being able.
This philosophy is particularly apparent in the student’s opportunity to co-create his or her own learning journey from a wide spectrum of both academic and extra-curricular subjects. Academic subjects offered at Ranum Efterskole College include:
IGCSE English 1st & 2nd, German 1st & foreign, French 1st & foreign, Spanish 1st & foreign, Mandarin 1st & foreign, Mathematics, Global Perspectives, Combined Science, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Business Studies, Physical Education, Drama, Geography, History, Travel & Tourism, & Environmental Management. AS Marine Science. Danish 1st & 2nd (Expats). 9th & 10th grade (National curriculum for Denmark).
Extra curricular
Students are encouraged to maintain a balance between learning and a wide range of extra- curricular subjects and activities, with sporting and cultural achievements valued equally. It is a primary objective to ensure that students develop a healthy and quality-based lifestyle.
The school year is divided into 3 periods; 2 profile periods and 1 culture period. Each period is concluded with a study trip of between 5 to 14 days*year.
Profile subject 1: Aug. – Oct. The purpose of the first period, which is chosen by the student before the school year starts, is to prepare for the first travels. You will learn to set personal goals as well as common goals for the group to achieve. For example, in Scuba diving, we train for a Padi Open Water diving certificate in order to pass the certificate on our travels to the Mediterranean at the end of the period.
Culture subject: Oct. – Feb. In the second period, we focus on culture and world citizenship. All subjectas will focus on a country’s or a continent’s culture e.g. Europe, USA, Nepal, China etc. In each of these subjects, all students are well prepared for their travels. During our travels we meet young locals, live with them and form friendships for life.
Profile subject 2: Mar. – May The third period focuses on personal development and enlightenment, by combining content and purposes from the first and second periods – for example: The dance team travels to Beijing to visit a local school as well as to experience the dance culture in Beijing. By this period the students are experienced in forming new subjects and do so with passion.
The purpose of profile subjects is to practice a skill, use it and create a profile such as a dancer or scuba diver.
Profile Subjects include: Adventure, Art & Design, Bio-trek, Confectionery, Coral Restoration, Cheerleading, Drama, Dance, eSport, Fashion Designer, Fit for Life, Gastronomy, Guide & Event, Horse Riding, Media, Mountaineering, Model UN, Music, Photo Safari, Sailing, Scuba Diving, Ski & Snowboard, Street Performance, Surf, Wakeboard, Wind Surfing, Yoga, and more.
The purpose of culture subjects is to use your interests and your skills to open up to new cultures and friendships. The interaction between people and cultures is the focus during the second period.
Culture Subjects include: Australia, Brazil, Canadian Mountain Life, China, Coral Restoration Bonaire, Costa Rica, Cuba and Miami, Europe Roadtrip, India Culture Meeting, Japanese Culture, Nature & Youth, Malaysia, Namibia Wildlife Conservation, Nepal Friendship School, Nepal Himalaya Trek, New Zealand, Peru Community Development, South Africa, South Korea, US Roadtrip, US Highschool, and more.
Activity subjects are hobby based and offered 1 to 2 times a week, throughout the year.
Activity Subjects include: Adventure,Archery, Basketball & Street basket, Dance, Drama, eSport, Electronic music, Football, Photo, Golf, Kayaking, Climbing, Mountain biking, Horse Riding, Roller skiing & roller skating, Sailing, Skate/Longboard, Training, Swimming, Surfing & Wakeboarding, Yoga, Zumba, and more
The primary campus area encompasses 5 residential houses with student rooms and studios for 2-6 people. Studios and large rooms have ensuite bathrooms, smaller rooms have shared bathrooms in the hallways. Each house is equipped with kitchen facilities and common areas, as well as laundry facilities.
Dining room
Soccer court
Basketball court
Volleyball court
Arts room
Computer room
Music room
Running track
Dance studio
Science room
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Ranum Efterskole College?
- from 187320
Boarding school tuition
Things to know
How many students are in Ranum Efterskole College?
500 students
- In total, Ranum Efterskole College enrolls
- 500 students from
- 25 different nationalities.
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