Oakridge International School
- from 2
- to 17 years old
8 different nationalities
- from 290000
- to 1400000
1135 students
Founded in 2012
IB Continuum School
We are a premium IB continuum school. From pre-nursery through the Middle School, our international curricula provide your child a solid foundation and a vivid understanding of the world. As one of the top IB schools in Bengaluru, we follow the Interntaional Baccalaurette Programme for our Primary Year, for their cerebral growth fueled with practical play and learning and IB Middle Years Programme for our Middle Years. Our students then transition to the IB Diploma Programme for Year 11 and Year 12. Throughout their educational journey with us, students are exposed to high standards of academic quality and rigour of IB
Extra curricular
As one of the best international schools in Bengaluru, we offer a wide-ranging programme of extracurricular activities including arts and sport for your child to participate in before, during and after the school day. Co-curricular activities are an important part of the learning experience and form a particular focus of our whole child approach. Our school has excellent facilities in particular for art and cultural activities, and for languages (which will also form part of the curriculum). We have a full programme of extra curricular activities, which may include;
Public speaking
Community awards
A full range of sports
Our curriculum is enhanced by our highly trained teachers who help with the development of social etiquette and respect in our students.
School Trips
Field trips and expeditions are an integral part of our school’s IB based curriculum. They are an extension of learning engagements of concepts that enables your child to gain experiential learning beyond their classrooms and facilitate efficient lifelong learnings as well.
Scientific Activities
Our approach to teaching the interdisciplinary subjects of STEAM is all about giving your child the tools to achieve more. Through hands-on practical problem solving, interdisciplinary learning and the development of transferable skills, your child can imagine a world of boundless opportunities.
Sports And Wellness
Our aim in Physical Education is to introduce students to a wide variety of sports and activities with the hope that they leave Oakridge International School, Bengaluru recognizing the importance of a healthy, active lifestyle after developing a love for physical activity. The sports facilities provided at our school are soccer, cricket, basketball, swimming, taekwondo, tennis and rock climbing.
Cultural Activities
Participation in cultural activities add an exciting dimension to the learning experience at Oakridge International School, Bengaluru. Cultural activities also form an integral part of a student’s overall development in our school, where various activities are conducted from time to time. Teachers and staff work to offer a diverse range of programmes that give every student a chance to get excited and get involved in order to pursue new interests.
Community Services
At our school, your child will have the chance to rethink the challenges and opportunities in international education through social responsibility engagement.
Literary Activities
At Oakridge International School, Bengaluru are firm believers that English is a global study that should be embraced by every community. Whether this is for language speaking and communication purposes, or to enjoy the vast array of literary texts English has to offer.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Oakridge International School?
- from 290000
- to 1400000
Things to know
How many students are in Oakridge International School?
1135 students
- In total, Oakridge International School enrolls
- 1135 students from
- 8 different nationalities.
We at Oakridge enable different avenues to give students a more accepting and compassionate approach to talking about health. We support them to deal with difficulties that they are facing with the understanding that a chronically stressed brain is in survival mode and not in learning mode.We have recently started a meditation room at Oakridge International School, Bengaluru to integrate a more mindful approach to working around difficult emotions. We also had a successful campaign on body positivity to create awareness of physical health and mental health and how both are important. We have a dedicated primary and secondary counsellor who takes individual counselling sessions and classroom sessions to develop the skill set of students to help them become resilient during difficult times.“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” — Albus Dumbledore. This light can be relaxation techniques, diffusion techniques from difficult thoughts or techniques of self-acceptance. This can only be learned if one remembers that any difficulty is an opportunity for the students to learn skills that can be implemented for a lifetime.