Laurel Springs School
- from 5
- to 19 years old
100 different nationalities
- from 6000
- to 15700
2711 students
Founded in 1991
WASC Accrediated, Cognia Accrediated, NCAA Approved Courses, UC a-g Approved Courses
Our curriculum is self-paced and accessible 24/7 from anywhere in the world. This is why international and military families, entrepreneurs, athletes, and performing artists choose us! Our course catalog features engaging elementary courses that encourage creativity and involvement, 240+ college-prep courses (including Honors, AP®, and AP® Capstone) and 160+ NCAA-approved courses.
Extra curricular
There are so many ways to get involved and make friends at Laurel Springs! In fact, our student life is something that sets us apart from other online schools.
Our students join over 30 clubs and activities, and enjoy virtual and in-person field trips, meet-ups, and international travel with their peers. They can also take on leadership roles through Model United Nations, National Honor Society, Junior Honor Society, and Student Government. Plus, they have a private social network to connect on!
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Laurel Springs School?
- from 6000
- to 15700
Things to know
How many students are in Laurel Springs School?
2711 students
- In total, Laurel Springs School enrolls
- 2711 students from
- 100 different nationalities.
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