ISSH International School of Schaffhausen

ISSH International School of Schaffhausen
- from 1
- to 18 years old
40 different nationalities
- from 24590
- to 54090
300 students
Founded in 1999
IB Diploma
As an IB World School the ISSH has a long-standing history with the International Baccalaureate programmes that will open doors to universities across the world. The two-year IB Diploma programme is acknowledged as one of the world’s leading educational programmes and is recognized by over 60 countries worldwide. The IB is designed to meet the needs of international students, both mother-tongue English and EAL (English as another Language). Students can choose subjects from a range of alternatives, ensuring breadth of knowledge so that their options are open in choosing the right university or professional career later on. The IB diploma graduates develop the skills and attitudes they need for both academic and personal success. Their understanding of languages, cultures and exploration of globally significant ideas and issues is what makes them stand out from their fellow students with a national curriculum background. The IB diploma not only opens the doors to universities worldwide but also focuses on the development of the whole person through one of the core requirements called CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service). CAS encourages students to be involved in artistic pursuits, sports and community service, thus fostering their appreciation for life outside the academic arena. Our values ‘Take Responsibility’, ‘Be Unique’ and ‘Achieve Potential’ are represented in every aspect of our school, especially in our residential programme.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to ISSH International School of Schaffhausen?
- from 24590
- to 54090
Things to know
How many students are in ISSH International School of Schaffhausen?
300 students
- In total, ISSH International School of Schaffhausen enrolls
- 300 students from
- 40 different nationalities.
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