ISN Nice

Day School
Alpes-Maritimes, Europe, France


The International School of Nice embraces the ever-evolving world by offering a truly twenty-first century education. From Early Years to High School, the holistic approach prepares students to navigate the complexities of university and beyond. With dual American and European accreditation, has been a leading light in international education on the French Riviera for over 40 years. As a co-educational,...
Type of school
Age range



65 different nationalities

Yearly fee
Nr of students

480 students


Founded in 1977


IB World School, Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP) and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP), The Middle States Association (MSA), Global School Alliance


ISN’s International Baccalaureate programme provides a well-rounded curriculum that emphasizes both academic excellence and personal development.

Authorised by the IB organisation to deliver the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), and the IB Diploma Programme (IB DP), the high school curriculum prepares students for IGCSE exams and the IB Diploma. With the guidance of the Futureproof programme, over 95% of graduates transition directly to reputable universities.

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Language of instruction
Foreign languages taught

Extra curricular

ISN offers after-school activities four times a week on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 16:00 to 17:15.

These clubs run throughout the whole school year, per semester, and involve preschool, primary school and secondary school students in our lower school, middle school and high school.

After-school activities at our campus enrich students outside of the classroom as they enjoy a range of sports activities, interest courses and arts pastimes.

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Tuition and fees per year

How much does it cost to go to ISN Nice?

Day school tuition

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Things to know

Enrollment phase

Students join the grade corresponding to their age as of 1st September in the year of application. ISN Nice has a rolling admissions policy, which means that applications are welcome at any time of year. The decision to admit a child to ISN Nice is based on the availability of aschool place at the appropriate grade level, the school’s ability to meet the student’s needs and the student’s ability to fulfil ISN Nice programme requirements. If a school place is available, a new student can join mid-semester. Therefore, our admissions committee encourages early applications.Six-Step Admissions Process1. Families are encouraged to fill out a contact form on our website and our admissions team will get back to you shortly to arrange a phone call or a visit.2. After a date has been chosen, the family can visit in-person or virtually and take a tour of the school facilities. They can introduce you to our school and answerThere is normally the opportunity to meet the Head of School for an informal conversation about enrolment, and to see learning in action in the classrooms. 3. Families submit the application form, along with a list of administrative documents and the application fees. 4. Once the application documents are submitted, the child’s file will be reviewed by the Head of School as well as the head of the section your child will be entering.5. The school’s decision whether to accept the applicant is communicated to the family, and the final paperwork and tuition fee payment is completed.6. The admissions team remains in contact with the family during the transition period to answer any questions and offer advice about relocating to the area. Everything is carefully prepared for a smooth on-boarding process, where the child feels happy, supported and part of the ISN Nice community.

How many students are in ISN Nice?

480 students

Student-teacher ratio


Special needs


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The International School of Nice embraces the ever-evolving world by offering a truly twenty-first century education. From Early Years to High School, the holistic approach prepares students to navigate the complexities of university and beyond.

With dual American and European accreditation, has been a leading light in international education on the French Riviera for over 40 years. As a co-educational, IB World School, providing Anglophone education for the international community in the Cannes-Nice-Monte Carlo region, the school offers a complete international education from Young Explorers (age 3) to Grade 12 (age 18).  Students learn in English and also benefit from daily French classes from age five upwards. 

The school attracts globally minded families, With more than 65 nationalities represented in the student body, and 30 nationalities represented by staff, the school is a melting pot of different cultures and backgrounds.



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