International School of Hamburg
- from 3
- to 19 years old
55 different nationalities
- from 3300
- to 23290
740 students
Founded in 1957
Council of International Schools; New England Association of Schools and Colleges
The language of instruction at ISH is English. The IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) is the framework for our curriculum in Grades 6 to 10. The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) and the IB Career Related Programme (IBCP) are offered in Grades 11 and 12. The majority of students take the full diploma, with a smaller cohort enrolled in the IBCP & courses (certificate) option. The International School of Hamburg has been an IB world school since the 1970s and we have an experienced faculty which includes IB examiners and workshop leaders. The MYP, CP and DP are led by Coordinators who assist the faculty in ensuring the best possible delivery of subject knowledge and skills to our students.
Biology (HL/SL)
Chemistry (HL/SL)
Design (SL)
Economics (HL/SL)
English A Language & Literature, Literature (HL/SL)
English B (HL/SL)
Environmental Systems & Societies (SL)
French B (HL/SL)
Geography (HL/SL)
German A Literature, Language & Literature (HL/SL)
German B (HL/SL)
German ab initio (SL)
History (HL/SL)
Mathematics AA (HL/SL)
Mathematics AI (HL/SL)
Physics (HL/SL)
Psychology (SL)
Spanish B (HL/SL)
Theatre (HL/SL)
Visual Arts (HL/SL)
BTEC Level 3 Certificate Business
BTEC Level 3 Certificate Sport
BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma Music
In addition to this, three, four or five diploma courses are taken, with at least one of these at a higher level. The CP core consists of personal and professional skills classes 2 times a week, 50 hours of service learning and 50 hours of language development over the two years. All students complete a 3000 word reflective project exploring an ethical dilemma related to their career-related study.
Extra curricular
We have an extended extra-curricula program adapted to all ages:
After School Care:
After School Care (ASC) is designed to support our families needing supervision for their children once school finishes at 15.00. It is open until 18:00 to accommodate the schedule of our working parents and provides a safe, caring and engaging environment for their children. After School Care is offered Monday through to Thursday, 15:00-18:00 throughout the school year except during school vacation, teacher training days and public holidays.
After School Activities:
The After School Activities (ASA) program is tailored to our school mission to provide a complete educational experience for students, one that recognises the importance of a holistic approach in attaining our students’ full potential.
After School Activities is split into three areas that offer a diverse range of activities designed to enhance and extend the practical learning experience of ISH students taking part. The program enables students to nurture their talents and special interests in engaging and exciting ways, guided by the expertise, passion and experience of our ASA instructors.
In the After School Activities program, students set the direction and take ownership of their learning to achieve a specified goal.
The current After School Activities include:
After School Clubs which meet at 15:15
Art Club
Theatre Club
Chess Club
Model United Nations
Science Club
Lunch Clubs (students clubs that meet at lunchbreak)
Sri Lanka and Tanzania Projects
Student Council
Student groups – GirlUp, Gay Straight Alliance,
Environment Club (GreenISH) – implementing student-designed sustainability projects in order for the school to get an eco-school accreditation by 2025.
Duke of Edinburgh Award-
This a youth awards program motivates teenagers and young adults to volunteer in their free time, be active in sports, discover special skills and talents and undertake challenging expeditions. Self-efficacy experiences and recognition promote self-confidence, resilience, the ability to work in a team and other future skills. Attending Duke equips young people for participatory and fulfilling lives. Our school opened the program in Hamburg to offer this program. Hear more about it on our podcast Kids Gone Global : The Great Outdoors: Learning Through The Duke of Edinburgh Award Program with Michael Kent
Music Enrichment Programme (MEP)
ISH offers individual music lessons after the academic school day finishes, in a variety of instruments, including piano, guitar, percussion, voice and flute. Students have the option of taking exams with the internationally recognised ABRSM, or playing for their own enjoyment. Both formal and informal performances are organised twice per year, for students learning instruments to showcase their skills for friends, parents and staff. Students may also participate in ensembles, including rock bands, a choir and a small chamber group.
ISH Falcons sports teams compete with eleven other European International Schools in the NECIS (North European Council of International Schools) conference in soccer, volleyball, basketball, tennis, golf, track and field, cross country and swimming. In addition, an intramural sports programme is offered for students in a non-competitive environment.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to International School of Hamburg?
- from 3300
- to 23290
Day school tuition
– English language development (EAL programme) as well as mild and moderate learning support
– All curricular activities, including class field trips (including overnight trips) for whole-grade trips and 40% for subject-specific trips (geography, visual arts)
– Access to 6 science labs, a design workshop, 2 theatre studios, 2 visual art studios and a pottery oven.
– Access to all services within the school’s counselling, college and career programme
– Lifelong membership to our global alumni community
– Use of specialised equipment for physical education and outdoor activities
– Access to state-of-the-art playground and student pedagogical garden one copy of the yearbook per child
Additional fees:
– Application Fee per Child : 500 EUR
– Campus Development Fee: Year 1: 6.000 EUR; Year 2: 2.500 EUR
Things to know
All year round
How many students are in International School of Hamburg?
740 students
- In total, International School of Hamburg enrolls
- 740 students from
- 55 different nationalities.
The school employs a full-time qualified nurse. There is a Nurse’s Office where, in case of illness or accidents, students are administered basic care.
Child Safeguarding
ISH is committed to ensuring the physical and emotional health of every student, and we take seriously our duty to safeguard the welfare of all children under our care. It is important for our parent community to be fully informed of the legalities surrounding child welfare in Germany, most notably:
- the German Social Code and Youth Protection Act 8KJHG – SGB8§ (Kinder Jugend Hilfe Gesezt) mandates our duty to report suspected child abuse and/or neglect.
- German Civil Code Section 1631 (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch § 1631 Inhalt und Grenzen 47 der Personensorge) states that children have a right to an upbringing without violence. Corporal punishment, psychological injuries and other degrading measures are prohibited everywhere in Germany. A child discloses any form of abuse or neglect, we are bound by law to report this to the Youth Welfare Offices (Jugendamt). Although we do not take on the role of investigating disclosures, our counselors do meet with children who disclose in order to understand the context and to assess any possible risk to their immediate well-being.
Yin Yoga and Mindfulness
At the International School of Hamburg we are passionate about supporting our community not just in academic learning, but also emotional wellbeing and social success too. Our Mission Statement says, “As an international community of learners we nurture inquiring minds, compassionate hearts and balanced lives.” As part of our whole school mission, we are committed to ensuring our students, staff and parents are supported. One of the ways we are doing this is by incorporating mindfulness and yin yoga practice into our school community.
In schools, mindfulness can support students to regulate their emotions, increase focus and concentration and to develop deeper understanding of their emotional states and the states of others. The practices of mindfulness and yin yoga link deeply with our mission statement of inquiring minds, balanced lives and compassionate hearts because both mindfulness and yin yoga cultivate a deeper connection to all of these
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