International School of Brussels
- from 3
- to 18 years old
70 different nationalities
- from 18825
- to 40625
1350 students
Founded in 1951
Council of International Schools and Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
The schoolwide curriculum is designed to prepare students to follow the IBDP which is offered in the last two years. We also offer the IBCP and a US High School diploma.
Extra curricular
A wide range of extra-curricular activities are offered for all grades. Activities fall under five general categories: Art, Outdoor, Active, Interest and Language. Along with a fantastic art and performing arts program, we also offer one of the largest athletic programs in Europe and compete against other international schools in northern Europe.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to International School of Brussels?
- from 18825
- to 40625
Things to know
We accept new students in all grade levels throughout the school year
How many students are in International School of Brussels?
1350 students
- In total, International School of Brussels enrolls
- 1350 students from
- 70 different nationalities.
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