Hamelin Laie International School Barcelona

Hamelin Laie International School Barcelona
- from 1
- to 18 years old
48 different nationalities
- from 10250
- to 38000
1450 students
Founded in 1988
Approved by the MEC (Ministry of Education and Culture of Spain) ; Authorized by the International Baccalaureate to teach the IB Diploma Programme.
We bring together an international curriculum with world-class learning opportunities and global experiences to create an outstanding educational experience for your child. We’re fully accredited to deliver the Spanish National curriculum along with the world-renowned IB Diploma Programme.
Extra curricular
A rich variety of fun clubs and activities, enables our students to cultivate their interests and discover new passions. From art to music, sport and dance, all of our students can find exciting clubs and experiences tailored to their interests.
Join our warm friendly community and enjoy the best of Barcelona in a comfortable environment where you can study and relax. Set in beautiful green surroundings, our school boarding residence is located on the school campus, just 20 minutes from the heart of Barcelona and a 5 minute walk to the Mediterranean Sea.
Our school boarding facilities offer the perfect balance between privacy, fun and friendship. Set in beautiful green surroundings, our school boarding residence is located on the Hamelin-Laie campus, just 20 minutes from the heart of Barcelona.
The bedrooms in our boarding house are spacious, modern and full of natural light. Each bedroom has a bed, a desk and wall storage for textbooks, as well as a wardrobe and an en-suite with a sink, toilet and shower.
A number of common areas are located in the boarding residence, facilitating connections and enhancing the community feel. There is space for group study along with areas to socialize and relax. Watch a movie, play a video game, challenge your room mate to a table-tennis match, or relax in the garden and enjoy the Mediterranean climate.
Dining room
Basketball court
Arts room
Music room
Dance studio
Science room
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Hamelin Laie International School Barcelona?
- from 10250
- to 38000
Things to know
How many students are in Hamelin Laie International School Barcelona?
1450 students
- In total, Hamelin Laie International School Barcelona enrolls
- 1450 students from
- 48 different nationalities.