European International School Vietnam
- from 1
- to 18 years old
45 different nationalities
- from 268200000
- to 739000000
750 students
Following the accreditation process, our school was awarded official certification for its exceptional international provision from The Council of International Schools (CIS) and the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO).
Our Kindergarten and Primary school provide the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP). The IBPYP is a comprehensive student-centred approach that aims to prepare young learners to become active, compassionate students who can positively contribute to the world around them. It fosters student agency and autonomy as well as places a strong emphasis on inquiry-based learning where our students are encouraged to ask questions, explore ideas, and engage in research. As such the IBPYP ensures a seamless transition for students as they progress to the IBMYP, allowing them to build upon their existing
knowledge and skills.
At our EIS Middle School, the IB Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) encourages students to think critically, develop research skills, and engage in community service, laying a strong foundation for lifelong learning. As they transition to the IBDP, our students delve deeper into their academic interests while developing the skills and attributes necessary for success in higher education and beyond.
Our High School offers the IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) to students in Grades 11 and 12. We take immense pride in our students’ outstanding IBDP results, which consistently place EIS among the top schools globally. These achievements are a testament to our dedicated faculty, who inspire and challenge students to reach their full potential. Our graduates are well-prepared to attend the world’s most prestigious universities, where they continue to excel and make meaningful contributions to society.
Extra curricular
Finding the right balance between academic education and enrichment is vital for a child’s development. Engaging in activities like sports, arts, music, language development, crafts, and games empowers students to explore their passions and talents. These experiences allow them to work together outside the classroom, fostering teamwork and friendship. With regularly updated activities, each term or season offers a fresh opportunity for EIS students to choose from an exciting list of options, igniting their creativity and curiosity.
Swimming pool
Tennis court
Soccer court
Basketball court
Volleyball court
Arts room
Computer room
Music room
Dance studio
Science room
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to European International School Vietnam?
- from 268200000
- to 739000000
Things to know
1. Submit online application form on our website
2. Students should sit an entrance exam and interview with the Principal or Deputy Principal.
3. Receive a Letter of Offer of a place at the School.
4. Accept an offer of a place by paying Acceptance Fee.
5. Pay Tuition Fees (based on details in the Debit Note).
How many students are in European International School Vietnam?
750 students
- In total, European International School Vietnam enrolls
- 750 students from
- 45 different nationalities.