Eerde International Boarding School

Eerde International Boarding School
- from 6
- to 19 years old
30 different nationalities
- from 15000
- to 25200
100 students
Founded in 1934
Eerde International Boarding School in The Netherlands is a school where learning is celebrated and where our students are challenged to succeed. We offer various curriculum options to fit individual student goals. Our students may complete the Cambridge IGCSE, the IBDP and/or the American High School Diploma, based on the age of entry some combinations of certificates and diplomas are possible. The majority of our students focus on gaining admission offers to highly reputable universities worldwide, making our IBDP the focus of our educational offer. We are fully accredited through Cambridge Education, the International Baccalaureate Organization and the Middle States Association. Our university counsellor is proactive and engaged with our students’ learning profiles throughout their academic tenure at Eerde, ensuring that our graduates have access to all valuable information and deadlines related to university applications. We are committed to a holistic approach of student development guiding our students to seek a balanced combination of arts, sports, global service and leadership roles both on and off campus. At Eerde we empower our students through encouragement.
Extra curricular
Students can choose from a range of different sports, cultural, musical, clubs and social activities.
Eerde promotes physical well-being and encourages a healthy way of life. Our sports teams participate in intramural competitions with other international schools. We provide a range of fitness activities to accommodate diverse interests both on and off campus. Additionally, we provide various travel opportunities throughout the school year for skiing, sailing, scuba, and cultural discovery.
Students do Learn, Live and Develop at Eerde.
Boarding students are warmly received starting from the sixth grade. Every boarding student is entitled to anticipate a dorm room characterised by tranquillity, reasonable privacy, respect for their emotions and possessions, and a secure living environment. Since the dormitory serves as a student’s temporary residence and the more enduring home of dorm faculty, it is crucial to foster consideration for others and a sense of community. When cooperation and empathy are prevalent, residential life becomes the foundation for forming meaningful and enduring friendships.
Dining room
Soccer court
Basketball court
Volleyball court
Arts room
Music room
Science room
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Eerde International Boarding School?
- from 15000
- to 25200
Day school tuition
Boarding school tuition
Things to know
Via - Grade 1 'til Grade 12 (IPC, IMYC, IGCSE, IBDP)
How many students are in Eerde International Boarding School?
100 students
- In total, Eerde International Boarding School enrolls
- 100 students from
- 30 different nationalities.
We have staff members with medical skills on site. If needed we can take the students to the doctors office or hospital, all medical professional speak English.
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