Dwight School
Founded in 1872, Dwight is an internationally renowned independent school (nursery-grade 12) committed to educating the next generation of innovative global leaders ― one student at a time. We’re dedicated to crafting a personalized journey for every student based on individual interests and passions. We call this igniting the “spark of genius” in every child.
This unique educational philosophy has set D...
Yearly fee
- from 15900
- to 53500
Nr of students
853 students
Founded in 1872
International Baccalaureate World School, IB World School Continuum, Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, European Council of International Schools, World Academy of Sport
International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program, Middle Years Program, and Diploma Program
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Extra curricular
Dwight has an extensive array of extracurriculars from preschool-grade 12 to extend learning and ignite students’ sparks of genius: clubs, activities, Music Conservatory, and championship-winning athletic teams.
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Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Dwight School?
- from 15900
- to 53500
Things to know
Enrollment phase
Preschool, Kindergarten, Grades 1-12
How many students are in Dwight School?
853 students
Student-teacher ratio
1 : 6
Based on 0 ratings
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