Cologne International School
- from 6
- to 18 years old
53 different nationalities
- from 17325
- to 42925
475 students
Founded in 2007
IBO, Cognia, Cambridge
Cambridge, IB Diploma, IGCSE, IB MYP Certificate
Extra curricular
The school offers different extra curricular activities in Sport, Art, Music, Science and Languages. The club structure of the school will facilitate student development in different subjects.
Our Boarding House is a modern style accommodation with plenty of daylight. It can host up to 20 students, either in a single room with private bathroom, single room with shared bathroom or a double room with shared bathroom. All apartments have WIFI and are fully furnished with beds, closets, desks, shelving, chairs, and lamps. Basic necessities such as bedding, sheets, towels, and kitchenware are provided. The building has an extensive rooftop terrace where students can enjoy the view while sitting in deck chairs. Boarders share a common room with a kitchen where they can meet, cook and eat which creates a sense of community.
Soccer court
Basketball court
Arts room
Computer room
Music room
Running track
Science room
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Cologne International School?
- from 17325
- to 42925
Things to know
Grades: 1-11
How many students are in Cologne International School?
475 students
- In total, Cologne International School enrolls
- 475 students from
- 53 different nationalities.
CIS takes the topic of health and safety very seriously and constantly updates its various policies on topics such as fire protection, first aid and lock down.
100 : 475