British International School (BIS) Hanoi
- from 2
- to 18 years old
31 different nationalities
- from 234400000
- to 896900000
1100 students
Founded in 12
CIS, WASC, IB, Cambridge Assessment International Education
We’re committed to academic excellence and personalised learning, which is why our students follow a carefully constructed blend of British and international curricula. This includes IGCSEs and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP), which unlock pathways to outstanding higher education across the globe. At BIS Hanoi the sky’s the limit!
2 TO 5 YEAR OLD: Early years Foundation Stage
5 TO 11 YEAR OLD: English National Curriculum and International Primary Curriculum
11 TO 16 YEAR OLD: Enriched English National Curriculum and International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)
16 TO 18 YEAR OLD: International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP)
Extra curricular
Through our co-curricular programme, we run more than 90 activities that give our students the chance to explore their physical, creative, social, or political interests with like-minded students across the age groups. This enables them to develop their social skills, make new friends, and discover new and diverse interests outside of the classroom.
Whether your child is keen on sports or enjoys languages, reading, arts or crafts, our international school in Hanoi offers an activity that will capture their interest.
Swimming pool
Soccer court
Basketball court
Arts room
Music room
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to British International School (BIS) Hanoi?
- from 234400000
- to 896900000
Things to know
How many students are in British International School (BIS) Hanoi?
1100 students
- In total, British International School (BIS) Hanoi enrolls
- 1100 students from
- 31 different nationalities.