Blue Valley School
- from 2
- to 18 years old
40 different nationalities
- from 11000
- to 18585
800 students
Founded in 1989
Member of Inspired, New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Ministerio de Educación Pública de Costa Rica, International Baccalaureate Organization, Association of Private Education Centers in Costa Rica, National Honor Society
At Blue Valley School, we seamlessly integrate top-tier educational methodologies into every stage of the learning journey. Starting with our youngest learners, we implement the Inspired Early Years Approach, which blends various globally recognized teaching methods, including Reggio Emilia and Montessori. As students progress, we combine the best international and US practices with a curriculum approved by the Costa Rican Ministry of Public Education. Additionally, as an IB World school, we offer students the flexibility to choose their graduation path according to their individual career aspirations, supporting them throughout.
Extra curricular
At Blue Valley School, we prioritize the holistic development of each child, empowering them to reach their fullest potential and stand out on a global scale. In addition to the core academic curriculum, students can explore new interests, expand their talents and develop real-world skills through an unparalleled offering of over 30 engaging programs, clubs, and extracurricular activities. This well-rounded education equips them with the knowledge and competencies for success at university and in future careers. Beyond arts, technology, and sports, our varied offerings include pre-college level courses, entrepreneurship, programming, journalism, Model United Nations, languages, community service, and expert preparation for academic olympiads and university entrance tests, among many other options.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Blue Valley School?
- from 11000
- to 18585
Things to know
Early Learning School, Preparatory, Elementary, Middle School, High School, IBD students (12 year)
How many students are in Blue Valley School?
800 students
- In total, Blue Valley School enrolls
- 800 students from
- 40 different nationalities.
At BVS, the well-being of our students is paramount. We understand that a nurturing and supportive environment is fundamental to their growth and success. To stay at the forefront of pastoral care practices, we continuously refine our standards, guided by global benchmarks set by Inspired. This ongoing evolution demonstrates our dedication to offering the highest level of support to our students. At BVS, we are more than just educators; we are allies in every student's journey, providing the care and attention they deserve for a brighter and more confident future.
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