Beacon School
- from 1
- to 17 years old
10 different nationalities
- from 85000
- to 153000
1400 students
Founded in 2010
International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO), as an IB Continuum School; Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC); UNESCO Partner School
Beacon promotes rich learning experiences in Portuguese and English, thus recognizing both languages as a means of communication throughout the program.
Through the International Baccalaureate Organization and its seal as an IB Continuum School, Beacon adopts the Primary Years Programme (PYP) for Early Childhood and Elementary School, the Middle Years Programme (MYP) in Middle School and offers the Diploma Programme (DP) for High School students. These programs are aligned with our school’s values and mission.
We assist our students in their self-knowledge process, providing better resources for making conscious and autonomous choices in both career and higher education.
The integration of the IB curriculum with the Brazilian curriculum offers Beacon students a rigorous academic program, recognized by the most qualified universities. In addition, the multiple activities conducted by University and Career Counseling in the school context foster education with diverse resources so that our students feel prepared to pursue higher education.
Extra curricular
Beacon School offers optional programs during the school year, as well as during vacation periods, intending to broaden the possibilities for learning and experiences beyond the regular class time. They include Extended Day, Optional Activities, and Winter Camp.
EXTENDED DAY is offered to students from 2 to 11 years old (G1 to Y5) and provides a balance between individual and group activities, as well as between free and guided exercises. Its program provides the student with challenges in several knowledge areas, respecting interests, needs, and the rhythm of each age group, as well as promoting the development of autonomy and sociability. The format is flexible and allows families to choose the days and times of the activities, according to their availability.
OPTIONAL ACTIVITIES are offered to students from Early Childhood Education to High School, with a wide range of activities in various areas, including sports, arts, and technology, in addition to wellness and sustainability. The main goal of these activities is to allow students to develop different skills, learn about different areas, and gain autonomy through their choices.
WINTER CAMP is offered in July, with a fun vacation time that includes games, recreational activities, sports, art, and cooking, as well as outings and performances.
Dining room
Soccer court
Basketball court
Volleyball court
Arts room
Computer room
Science room
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Beacon School?
- from 85000
- to 153000
Day school tuition
Things to know
From Early Childhood Education (G1) to High School (Grade 10)
How many students are in Beacon School?
1400 students
- In total, Beacon School enrolls
- 1400 students from
- 10 different nationalities.
Safety and wellbeing are our utmost priority at Beacon School. We have a team of 4 nurses, partnership with urgent medical assistance and our team is trained for first-aid and assistance protocols. These protocols ensure comprehensive care for every student, while also keeping parents consistently informed about each step of the process.