Avenues: The World School, Online
- from 2
- to 18 years old
50 different nationalities
- from 7500
- to 37400
440 students
Founded in 2012
New England Association of Schools and Colleges; NCAA
The Avenues: The World School curriculum prepares students for a globally connected, innovation-driven. Extensive reading + intensive making: In our Great Works core curriculum, students read carefully paired texts from the humanities and sciences while completing hands-on projects linked to year-long themes. Teachers challenge students to apply ideas from their weekly readings to real-world problems and execute projects that require research, experimentation, and making. The program’s title refers not only to the texts students read, but also to the great works they produce.
Choose from 50+ languages. The Global Passport curriculum focuses on task-based language learning, allowing students to move beyond language acquisition to practical language application. Students can choose from over 50 languages of study—from Mandarin to Malay, from Spanish to Swahili, from Portuguese to Punjabi. Classes are conducted online in small groups or in private one-on-one sessions.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Avenues: The World School, Online?
- from 7500
- to 37400
Things to know
Toddler–12th grade
How many students are in Avenues: The World School, Online?
440 students
- In total, Avenues: The World School, Online enrolls
- 440 students from
- 50 different nationalities.