Acorn International School
- from 3
- to 18 years old
28 different nationalities
- from 8500.00
- to 14500.00
350 students
Founded in 1999
Acorn International School provides a stimulating dual curriculum programme of study that engages each child through study, exploration and inquiry. We pride ourselves on offering your children a challenging and nurturing educational programme that provides them with discipline, skills, and challenging learning goals, but also with flexibility, empathy and creativity.
The Acorn International School currently has more than 350 students aged 3 to 18 with an offer “dual-curriculum” that combines the best of the Italian ministerial curriculum with English. As a foreign school recognized by the Ministry of Education, Acorn is home Cambridge accredited and Oxford University’s OUP Italian partner for development professional teachers, the English curriculum and online learning.
Oxford University Press (OUP) collaborates with Acorn International School as a supplier of educational services and resources capable of issuing international certifications such as OxfordAQA, including international GCSE and international A-Level, and Oxford International disbursement Curriculum (OIC).
Extra curricular
The school offers a wide range of extra curricular activities and our students can practice:
– Art Labs
– Music Labs
– Drama
– Cooking
– Forest School
– Volleyball
– Football Basketball
– Judo
Dining room
Soccer court
Basketball court
Volleyball court
Arts room
Computer room
Music room
Dance studio
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Acorn International School?
- from 8500.00
- to 14500.00
Things to know
How many students are in Acorn International School?
350 students
- In total, Acorn International School enrolls
- 350 students from
- 28 different nationalities.