Georgia School Ningbo (GSN)
- from 3
- to 18 years old
20 different nationalities
- from 115000
- to 155000
250 students
Founded in 2014
WASC, Zhejiang Province Ministry of Education
At Georgia School Ningbo (GSN), we pride ourselves on delivering a research-based, college-preparatory curriculumdesigned to prepare students for a global future. Our academic program is grounded in the AERO (American Education Reaches Out) Framework, the cutting-edge Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), and the prestigious College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Program. In addition, students are equipped for success with access to SAT/PSAT examinations and ongoing assessment through MAP (Measures of Academic Growth Progress), ensuring a comprehensive and personalized learning journey that meets international benchmarks.
Extra curricular
Extracurricular activities at GSN consists of a range of options including sporting, academic, artistic, technology oriented and cultural activities. All GSN students are expected to participate in extracurricular activities each week.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Georgia School Ningbo (GSN)?
- from 115000
- to 155000
Things to know
Spring/Pre-K through 12
How many students are in Georgia School Ningbo (GSN)?
250 students
- In total, Georgia School Ningbo (GSN) enrolls
- 250 students from
- 20 different nationalities.
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