Gdy uczniowie, rodzice i nauczyciele zaczynają dostrzegać wartość edukacji online, coraz więcej szkół decyduje się na przeprowadzkę online. Spójrz, co sprawia, że szkoły online z Hiszpanii jest doskonałym wyborem!
Uczniowie, którzy decydują się na uczęszczanie do szkół online, mogą zdobywać kwalifikacje akademickie, które są rozpoznawane i szanowane na całym świecie. Zajęcia online mogą umożliwić uczniom interakcję z różnorodną, globalną i międzykulturową grupą studentów oraz oferują studentom zagranicznym unikalne doświadczenie kulturowe, a nauka online stała się uzasadnioną ścieżką do światowej sławy międzynarodowych uniwersytetów.
Znalezienie odpowiedniej szkoły online może rozszerzyć możliwości edukacyjne ucznia daleko poza to, co mogliby spotkać w okolicy i mogą pomóc uczniom, którzy mogliby walczyć z tradycyjnymi szkołami.
Studenci, którzy studiują w Hiszpanii, zdobywają kwalifikacje akademickie, które są rozpoznawane i szanowane na całym świecie. Hiszpania ma zróżnicowane, przyjazne i żywe społeczeństwo, które oferuje międzynarodowym studentom wyjątkowe doświadczenie kulturowe w pięknym środowisku. Studiowanie w Hiszpanii jest doskonałą ścieżką do światowej sławy międzynarodowych uniwersytetów.
Top 3 szkoły online w Hiszpanii
bina is a global, accredited school that fits families everywhere, delivering full-time digital education crafted for 4 to 12-year-olds. We're an innovative school backed by the best international investors (Softbank Asia and SparkMind), with an advisory board including the UK's former Minister of Education.
Vibrant virtual program where the flexibility to learn from anywhere doesn’t mean boring curriculum or an isolated learning experience. Join our community of families who are doing school differently.
Elea High Online School is a small, supportive, family-oriented Secondary and Sixth Form online school where every student is valued for the unique qualities they bring to an inclusive, caring, global school community. Employing high-quality teachers, many of whom are examiners, enables Elea High Online School to deliver effective and engaging lessons that follow the […]
Cambridge Online School & College International is an online school based in Cambridge that provides high-quality education to students aged 5 to 18 years worldwide.
We offer students a full British curriculum from Year 3 through to A-Levels. With flexible timetables, small group lessons or a completely bespoke 1:1 plan, your child will enjoy live lessons from expert teachers in the subjects you choose. Our school includes elite athletes juggling academics and training, students with SEND, children being homeschooled, students […]
School Beyond Limitations offers flexible online live schooling of a creative interdisciplinary nature catering for global students and families including those with mobile life-styles traveling the world, or dispersed families or specialist elite sports students or those already working as entrepreneurs. Aiming to break the mould of discrete disciplines, SBL inspires students to learn through […]
Eastwood Global Online School, a leading provider of online education, is founded on the principles of Academic Excellence, Freedom, Global Community, Entrepreneurial Spirit, and Empowerment.
Eureka Learning is a private online school that provides online education to students aged 5 to 18 years old. Our online school provides a broad and creative British curriculum to students worldwide.
We offer students a full British curriculum from Year 3 through to A-Levels. With flexible timetables, small group lessons or a completely bespoke 1:1 plan, your child will enjoy live lessons from expert teachers in the subjects you choose. Our school includes elite athletes juggling academics and training, students with SEND, children being homeschooled, students […]
Dwight Global Online School, the cloud campus of The Dwight Schools, blends online & on-campus opportunities for grades 6-12. Features live online classes, flexible scheduling, & a worldwide community.
Minerva’s Virtual Academy is an online independent school for pupils aged 11 – 18.
Inventum International is passionate about shaping the future of education. We offer affordable, cutting-edge, and globally recognised online learning to students aged 11-18 year all over the world.
U-Tech Preparatory Academy, established by Jenison Innovation Academy, extends over a decade of skillful online course delivery to students anywhere in the world who seek quality, diploma- or individual course options in English.
King’s InterHigh is an independent British international online school. Offering Primary, Secondary and Sixth Form education, we cater to students from age 7 – 18 who are looking for a high-quality British and international education, working towards International GCSEs, A Levels, or the IB Diploma Programme, delivered in a way that revolves around their needs and interests. All with the backing of Inspired, the world’s leading education group.
Laurel Springs is an accredited, online, private school for K-12 offering a self-paced, globally accessible curriculum. We offer creative and interactive elementary courses, 240+ college-prep courses (including Honors, AP®, and AP® Capstone) and 160+ NCAA-approved courses.
Highgrove Online School is a haven for ambitious pupils who want the very best all-round British education wherever they might be in the world. We offer a warm school community, an academic programme that supports pupils to achieve to the very best of their ability at GCSE and A level, and an extra-curricular programme that […]
Scotch Global is one of seven schools selected globally to deliver the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) online.
Nisai Virtual Academy to globalna społeczność edukacyjna online, która wykracza poza ograniczenia tradycyjnych murów szkolnych. Od 1996 roku inspirujemy uczniów do bycia najlepszą wersją siebie poprzez uwalnianie ich potencjału do zmiany świata. Nasze podejście jest elastyczne i dostosowane do indywidualnych potrzeb i wymagań.
CambriLearn offers online virtual classes, with interactive lessons, and teacher support for flexible and engaging remote learning. Our parents and students choose CambriLearn and our International British Curriculum (Cambridge or Pearson Edexcel) for its unrivalled flexibility, giving students the ability to work at their own pace. Students can enrol in pre-school (Learning to Read and […]
Gravitas is the online home of The Stony Brook School (SBS), a renowned, private 102-year-old college prep school on Long Island, New York.