
Best Online Schools Spain






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    • location 1000 Lakeside North Harbour, Western Rd, Cosham, Portsmouth PO6 3EN, United Kingdom
    Eureka Learning

    Eureka Learning is a private online school that provides online education to students aged 5 to 18 years old. Our online school provides a broad and creative British curriculum to students worldwide.

    gender 共同教育
    0 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum 剑桥课程, 英国课程
    min fee From £3,080 to £5,992 GBP
    min fee From 5 to 18 yo
    • location 1010 Cambourne Business Pk, Great Cambourne, Cambourne, Cambridge CB23 6DP, United Kingdom
    Cambridge Online School & College International

    Cambridge Online School & College International is an online school based in Cambridge that provides high-quality education to students aged 5 to 18 years worldwide.

    gender 共同教育
    0 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum 剑桥课程, 英国课程
    min fee from £3,750 to £7,799
    min fee From 1 to 5 yo
    • location A-One, Z. A. La Pièce 4, 1180 Rolle, Switzerland
    Eastwood Global Online School

    伊斯特伍德全球网络学校(Eastwood Global Online School)是一家领先的在线教育提供商,秉承 “学术卓越、自由、全球社区、创业精神和赋权 ”的原则。学校致力于通过提供强调跨文化交流、协作和技术流畅性的综合课程,为学生在 21 世纪取得成功做好准备。该课程的最终目标是获得完全在线的国际文凭(IB)文凭。伊斯特伍德全球学校是全球仅有的七家获准提供在线 IB DP 的机构之一,这标志着伊斯特伍德全球学校致力于为学生提供无与伦比的世界级教育机会。

    gender 共同教育
    1801 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum 国际文凭, 美国课程
    min fee $8,000 USD
    min fee From 6 to 19 yo
    • location 167 Great Portland St, London W1W 5PF, United Kingdom
    Highgrove Online School

    海格洛夫网校是雄心勃勃的学生的天堂,无论他们身处世界何处,都希望获得最好的全方位英式教育。我们提供温馨的学校社区,支持学生在 GCSE 和 A 级考试中取得优异成绩的学术课程,以及首屈一指的课外活动课程。我们旨在提供世界一流的教育,与英国最好的独立学校相媲美,并支持学生进入世界一流大学竞争最激烈的学位课程。去年,我们的团队帮助 65% 的学生进入世界排名前 100 的大学,包括牛津大学和剑桥大学。除了全日制网校外,我们还提供非全日制 A 级、GCSE、EPQ 和选修课程,以及包括个人辅导在内的定制课程,以满足每个学生的确切需求。

    gender 共同教育
    70 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum 英国课程
    min fee From 1250 to 10950 GBP
    min fee From 13 to 19 yo
  • Inventum International Online School

    Inventum International 热衷于塑造教育的未来。我们为世界各地 11-18 岁的学生提供价格实惠、前沿且全球认可的在线学习。

    gender 共同教育
    0 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum 剑桥课程, 英国课程
    min fee From 550 EUR to 1050 EUR per subject annually
    min fee From 11 to 19 yo
    • location InterHigh Education, Sixth Floor, 3 Burlington Gardens, London, W1S 3EP, United Kingdom
    King’s InterHigh

    King's InterHigh 是一所独立的英国国际在线学校。我们提供小学、中学和六年级教育,为 7 至 18 岁的学生提供优质的英国和国际教育,致力于国际 GCSE、A Level 或 IB 文凭课程,并以以下方式提供:围绕他们的需求和兴趣。这一切都得到了世界领先的教育集团 Inspired 的支持。

    gender 共同教育
    3000 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum 国际文凭, 英国课程
    min fee From 2,750 GBP to 6,605 GBP
    min fee From 7 to 18 yo
    • location International House, London SW9 7QE, United Kingdom
    Minerva’s Virtual Academy

    Minerva’s Virtual Academy is an online independent school for pupils aged 11 – 18.

    gender 共同教育
    800 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum 英国课程
    min fee from 7,995 GBP
    min fee From 11 to 18 yo
    • location 12 Goldfinch Ln, Lee-on-the-Solent PO13 8LN, UK
    Elea High Online School

    Elea High Online School is a small, supportive, family-oriented Secondary and Sixth Form online school where every student is valued for the unique qualities they bring to an inclusive, caring, global school community. Employing high-quality teachers, many of whom are examiners, enables Elea High Online School to deliver effective and engaging lessons that follow the […]

    gender 共同教育
    60 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum 英国课程
    min fee From 5.950 to 6.950 GBP
    min fee From 11 to 18 yo
    • location Sandton, South Africa
    Cambrilearn Online School

    CambriLearn 提供在线虚拟课程、互动课程以及教师支持,以实现灵活且引人入胜的远程学习。

    gender 共同教育
    3600 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum 剑桥课程, 英国课程
    min fee From $1,995 to $5,400 USD
    min fee From 5 to 19 yo
    • location Acorns To Oaks Online Primary School, 1000 Lakeside North Harbour, Building, Western Rd, Portsmouth PO6 3EZ, United Kingdom
    gender 共同教育
    0 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum 剑桥课程, 英国课程
    min fee From £650 to £3,499
    min fee From 5 to 11 yo
    • location Lieu dit le Sallay, D149, 58470 Saincaize-Meauce, France
    gender 共同教育
    35 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum 其他课程
    min fee from 25000 to 35000 EUR
    min fee From 10 to 14 yo
    • location The Oxford Science Park, Magdalen Centre, Robert Robinson Ave, Littlemore, Oxford OX4 4GA, United Kingdom
    gender 共同教育
    0 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum 剑桥课程, 英国课程
    min fee From £3,750 to £8,499 GBP
    min fee From 5 to 18 yo
    • location Ardent Business Center, 1st Floor, Triq l-Oratorju, Naxxar, Malta, NXR 2504
    gender 共同教育
    500 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum 美国课程
    min fee From $675 to $10,500 USD
    min fee From 13 to 19 yo
    • location C. Castillo de Manzanares, 28692 Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid
    gender 共同教育
    7000 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum 国际文凭
    min fee 13800 EUR
    min fee From 16 to 19 yo
    • location East Wing Turkey Court, Turkey Mill, Maidstone, England, ME14 5PP
    gender 共同教育
    1200 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum 剑桥课程, 英国课程
    min fee From 3,300 to 7,500 GBP
    min fee From 6 to 19 yo
    • location Aleea Băișoara, Cluj-Napoca 400445, Romania
    gender 共同教育
    1000 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum 剑桥课程, 英国课程
    min fee The tuition fees listed above cover a full-time high school experience for any student, giving them the option to choose between multiple learning packages: 3 core subjects with tutors + 5 self-paced priced at 4,850 €/year or 5 core subjects with tutors + 3 self-paced priced at 6,450 €/year for IGCSE Level. Or 3 subjects priced at 4,850 €/year & 4 subjects priced at 6,450 €/year for AS/A Levels. Besides enrolling full-time in Spark Generation, students can also opt into taking just 1 Academic or Wellbeing/Future Readiness course on our Online Learning platform, with tutor support or without it, depending on their needs.
    min fee From 13 to 19 yo