International School of Beijing

Day School
Asia, Beijing, China


As the first international school in Beijing, ISB has a tradition of excellence dating back more than 40 years. ISB has a reputation as a leading international school and institution at the heart of Asia. Our principles and beliefs are captured in our aspirational Mission and Vision statements, and these are put into action day to day through our Strategic Focus Areas by a team of highly qualified teache...
Type of school
Age range



45 different nationalities

Yearly fee
Nr of students

1750 students


Founded in 1980


Council of International Schools, New England Association of Schools and Colleges


At ISB, we strive to make learning challenging and joyful for our students and of most benefit to them when they graduate into our fast-changing world. A lot of schools choose to follow a set curriculum that has been tried and tested by other schools and that will remain in place for a long time. We take another approach.

ISB is not tied to any one curriculum and therefore we are free to cherry-pick the best standards from around the world and design our own courses. We are committed to keeping up with research and best practice in education. As expert educators, what we know now about how best to teach is very different to what teachers in the previous generation knew. This means that good teaching today is far removed from what the parents of our students would have experienced at school.

ISB’s international curriculum empowers students with purpose and compassion. We recognize the power of innovation, and our commitment to continuous improvement means that we’re always on a path of change and updating how we teach. We look to new practices backed up by research when we’re creating learning environments that will inspire your children. At ISB, students think about things in an interdisciplinary way. They learn the modern skill of design thinking, they study science, technology, engineering, and mathematic (STEM), and they use educational technology to support creativity.

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Language of instruction
Foreign languages taught

Extra curricular

School is about so much more than academics! We want to keep ensuring our students have integrity, strength of character, and that they are healthy socially and emotionally. To that end, we want each student to find at least one academic area and one co-curricular pursuit they are passionate about and in which they can excel. We ensure students can sample real-world professional experiences and have chances to provide service to others and create a positive social impact.

At ISB, we believe that a strong co-curricular program, offering competitive and non-competitive sports, after-school activities, performing arts, and service opportunities can, as a part of the school’s overall curriculum, prepare the students to be successful in life. Our program gives students the opportunity to explore their passions and stresses hard work, leadership, camaraderie, sportsmanship, and fair play.

We believe that:
– Co-curricular activities are an integral part of the overall curricular program
– Every student should have the opportunity to become involved to some extent
– Sponsors and students should, at all levels, develop and exhibit accepted attitudes of cooperation, citizenship, good sportsmanship, and dedication.

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Dining room
Swimming pool
Tennis court
Soccer court
Basketball court
Volleyball court
Arts room
Computer room
Music room
Baseball field
Running track
Dance studio
Science room

Tuition and fees per year

How much does it cost to go to International School of Beijing?

Things to know

How many students are in International School of Beijing?

1750 students

Health & safety

There are two Nurses Offices at ISB, one for the Elementary School and the other for Middle and High School. The Nurses Offices are open from Monday through Friday. The two offices are staffed with nurses qualified to treat minor injuries and illnesses, perform first aid, administer medications, maintain student health records, advise parents, staff, and students on health-related issues, and carry out screening for height, weight, vision, hearing, and scoliosis for specific grade levels.

The ISB Child Protection Handbook governs the measures we take to create and maintain a safe environment for all our students, as well as the procedures we follow to identify students in need of help and protection and to take appropriate action to ensure their well-being. We value these as professional and ethical obligations. ISB follows rigorous recruitment procedures for all employees and vetting procedures for contractors to ensure that all adult personnel are suitable to work with and in the company of our children. All employees are required to undergo a thorough criminal background check prior to taking up employment at ISB. ISB has implemented an employee Code of Conduct and we provide annual training on student safeguarding for all employees and contractors.

Student-teacher ratio


Special needs


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As the first international school in Beijing, ISB has a tradition of excellence dating back more than 40 years. ISB has a reputation as a leading international school and institution at the heart of Asia. Our principles and beliefs are captured in our aspirational Mission and Vision statements, and these are put into action day to day through our Strategic Focus Areas by a team of highly qualified teachers and staff, and a community of students, families, and alumni who share our values. With a mutual core set of values, we are all ISB Dragons.

We have a commitment to diversity, intentional design, and providing robust support so students and staff are socially and emotionally thriving. ISB students enjoy a vibrant school experience in which they can pursue their passions and achieve impressive outcomes. ISB students experience challenging and joyful learning every day, and are destined for success once they graduate, wherever in the world they choose to pursue it.

At ISB, we focus on quality academic programming especially literacy plus science, technology, engineering, the arts, and math (STEAM), ensuring appropriate challenge for ALL learners so that every student is achieving their potential in their courses. We are empowered with purpose and compassion, an inspiring international community in Beijing, where thinkers and leaders find their place in the world and serve others. So that our learning is at its best, we build strong relationships and set high expectations together. We are committed to challenging and joyful learning with the freedom to explore.

What does it mean to be a Dragon?
Our Dragon Spirit embraces diversity of thought and cultural exchanges. We are a place for people with curiosity who want to enjoy peer relationships across cultural and international lines.

Our Dragon Spirit is shared by students, staff, parents, and alumni and unites us as global citizens in Beijing and around the world. Enrolling at ISB provides an excellent education for your children and lifelong membership of the school’s community for the whole family.


Dining room
Swimming pool
Tennis court
Soccer court
Basketball court
Volleyball court
Arts room
Computer room
Music room
Baseball field
Running track
Dance studio
Science room

4 reviews

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International School of Beijing

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