CIPEC International School


CIPEC International School
CIPEC (Centre International pour l’Éducation et la Culture) was established in 1984 as the first bilingual international kindergarten and primary school in Provence. In the picturesque Domaine Fontvieille, the charming Provencale bastide is set on 2 hectares of land in the tranquil Aix-en-Provence countryside.
At CIPEC, we create an enriching environment where children of all nationalities can learn, sh...
رسوم سنوية
- من10990
- إلى12490
عدد الطلاب
أسس في 1984
لا صفية
Smart Wednesday is for children in kindergarten through primary school, whether or not they are enrolled at CIPEC. Supervised by the school’s sports team and featuring participation from CIPEC’s bilingual teachers for afternoon lessons, this day focuses on reinforcing primary school learning while also providing opportunities for fun and exploration through recreational and sports activities
أظهر المزيد
أجور التعليم ورسومه
كم تكلفة الدراسة فيCIPEC International School?
- من 10990
- ل 12490
الرسوم الدراسية النهارية
We do not charge admission or registration fees. Canteen, snacks, books, notebooks, school photos and T-shirts are all included in the price. Not included in the price are additional options e.g. morning childcare, tutoring, Smart Playtime, Smart Wednesday, 3rd language options.
عرض الرسوم الدراسية طوال اليوم
أشياء يجب معرفتها
مرحلة التسجيل
Enrollment is subject to availability.
كم عدد الطلاب فيCIPEC International School?
- في المجموع،CIPEC International School يسجل
- 180 الطلاب من
- 37جنسيات مختلفة.
نسبة الطلاب إلى المعلمين
★★★★★ 0.0/5
على أساس 0 التصنيفات
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