Bromsgrove International School Thailand

Bromsgrove International School Thailand
- من 2
- إلى 18 يو
التعليم المختلط
27جنسيات مختلفة
- من314670
- إلى630780
أسس في 2002
On our Early Years campus we develop the potential in each and every one of our students utilising a play-based curriculum in our EYFS classes (Pre-Nursery, Nursery and Reception), progressing to the first Year of Primary school in Year 1. Through purposeful play, students will learn independence and self-awareness and grow emotionally, socially, physically and cognitively. We provide a stimulating and rich learning experience, both inside and outside of the classroom. Our highly experienced British teaching staff, qualified TA’s and caring nannies provide an outstanding child-to-adult ratio to support and enhance every child in their learning and development.
Based upon the English National Curriculum (ENC), our Primary school thematic approach to learning ensures that all students gain a broad understanding of the core and foundation subjects, alongside developing both their written and spoken English language skills. We use a thematic approach to learning in Primary school, whereby many areas of the curriculum are connected together and integrated within an overarching theme.
For Secondary, We follow a curriculum based upon the English National Curriculum (ENC), that culminates in the IGCSE and A Level/BTEC external examinations. The Secondary school curriculum at BIST has breadth, depth, academic rigour and promotes the values that we espouse as a school in our Learner Profile: determination, curiosity, independence, risk-taking, kindness, the ability to work in a team, positivity and being a reflective learner.
لا صفية
BIST provides comprehensive extra-curricular activity programme, consisting of over 40 activities across the school. Activities range from academic subjects such as English, Maths and ICT to sporting activities such as basketball, T Ball, tennis, Golf and football. Other activities include music, choir, taekwondo, hip hop, ballet, Chinese and Thai . The activities on offer change each term. Activities are run by a mix of our own teaching staff and outside agencies.
مدرسة داخلية
The School uses the British Boarding School Associations (BSA) Standards to support our practices and procedures. We also share some boarding best practices with our sister school, Bromsgrove UK, which has its best level of quality and tradition. We regularly review these as a school and make changes in relations to developments in the UK and worldwide.
We offer three different boarding options to students aged 9-18. Details are given below:
1. Weekly Boarding
Weekly Boarding is very popular among Thai families. Our five day school week offers our students the opportunity to spend time in the week focusing and working towards success so that on a Friday afternoon, when they return home, they can spend quality time with their families. The advantage that this will help your child to be mature with the independence and confidence which boarding will give them and you, as the parents are able to watch them grow into young adults. Weekly boarding reduces the daily travel to and from the school allowing the students to have more time to learn and relax during the week rather than sitting in Bangkok traffic for perhaps up to 20 hours per week.
2. Full Boarding
Over half of the Boarding community at BIST are full boarders, who have moved to BIST from places all over the world including the UK, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Russia, South America, Europe and parts of Thailand. For full boarders, boarding at BIST becomes their home away from home and it provides them with opportunities to develop independence and rest and relax with their friends, whilst also taking part in weekend trips around Bangkok.
3. Flexi Boarding
Flexi Boarding provides opportunities for last minute and one off stays in Boarding. Many parents use this option throughout the term for last minute business trips, family emergencies or for their child to experience life in Boarding before moving to a weekly or full boarder. Other students chose to stay for school events and competitions, especially at weekends.
غرفة الطعام
فصول دراسية
حمام السباحة
ملعب كرة القدم
ملعب كرة سلة
ملعب كرة الطائرة
غرفة الفنون
صالة رياضية
غرفة الكمبيوتر
غرفة الموسيقى
ملعب الجولف
مسار الجري
استوديو الرقص
غرفة العلوم
أجور التعليم ورسومه
كم تكلفة الدراسة فيBromsgrove International School Thailand?
- من 314670
- ل 630780
الرسوم الدراسية النهارية
الرسوم الدراسية في المدرسة الداخلية
أشياء يجب معرفتها
Early Years, Primary School, Secondary School (IGCSE, AS Level, A Level, BTEC)
كم عدد الطلاب فيBromsgrove International School Thailand?
- في المجموع،Bromsgrove International School Thailand يسجل
- 500 الطلاب من
- 27جنسيات مختلفة.
At BIST, we do have a school clinic with 24-hour nurses onsite
Depends on age group