IB(国际文凭)课程在泰国非常受欢迎。探索泰国最好的 IB(国际文凭)学校。
为什么选择泰国的 IB 学校?
IB组织最初的成立是为了应对世界各地不同学校系统缺乏灵活性的问题。如今,IB教育体系在全球100多个国家得到认可,英国和北美的许多主要大学对拥有IB文凭的未来学生非常积极。在《每日电讯报》的一篇文章中,爱德华国王学校退休校长约翰·克劳顿 (John Claugthon) 阐述了世界各地学校选择提供 IB 文凭课程的一些原因。他指出该项目的广度是其关键动机之一:“IB学校认为,狭隘的专业化世界的旧体制已经不再适用。”世界各地的许多大学都遵循这一思路,并且越来越多的学校正在修改招生标准,以吸引更多的 IB 毕业生。除其他例子外,Claugthon 还提到了伦敦国王学院,并指出该大学 20% 的新本科生是 IB 学生。如果你正在寻找一种既能激励你、挑战你,又需要努力学习的教育,那么 IB 就是你的最佳选择。最适合您的地方。
“泰王国”是一个新兴经济体,被认为是新兴工业化国家。 1985年至1996年间,泰国的经济增长率位居世界第一,年均增长率为12.4%。泰国文化受到许多影响,包括印度、老挝、缅甸、柬埔寨和中国。它是唯一一个从未被殖民过的东南亚国家。泰国各省按地区管理。每个地区都有自己不同的历史背景、文化、语言和人民。泰国盛行的宗教是上座部佛教,它是泰国身份和文化不可分割的一部分。对佛教的积极参与程度位居世界前列。根据2000年的人口普查,该国94.6%的人口自认为是上座部传统的佛教徒。
泰国最佳 IB 学校
The Global College is a co-educational day and boarding school for 15 to 18-year-olds, offering an innovative IB Diploma Programme, anchored in the history and values of IE University.
The British International School Abu Dhabi offers a welcoming family community with the highest quality learning opportunities as part of our Global Campus.
Founded in 1982 by a group of teachers, Mirabal International School is a private, co-educational and non-religious school with more than 1,800 students distributed between the nursery, primary, secondary and sixth form school stages.
纽因顿学院是一所位于澳大利亚悉尼的综合性早教中心 (ELC) 至 12 年级日间和寄宿学校。我们成立于 1863 年,已有 160 多年的历史,作为一所联合教会学校,我们在四个宽敞的校园为中小学生提供高质量的教育和多样化的课外活动。
苏黎世国际学校: 苏黎世国际学校:一所领先的非营利性日校,招收 3-18 岁的瑞士本地和外籍儿童。以英语授课;为 3-9 岁儿童提供英语/德语双语课程。
British International School, Phuket (BISP), is an English medium, co-educational, day and boarding school that was established in 1996 in the heart of Phuket, Thailand.
At Harrow International School Bengaluru, we bring together more than 450 years of history, tradition, and values from Harrow School in London, with the vibrancy and culture of modern India. Harrow Bengaluru therefore offers an environment in which the leaders of tomorrow are moulded through an emphasis upon creative thinking, participation, debate, service to others, responsibility, trust, community mindedness and teamwork.
法国文化,全球视野 – 香港法国国际学校成立于 1963 年,是香港首批国际学校之一,也是香港第一所提供 IB 文凭的学校。 一所世界級的 IB 學校 – 法國國際學校是香港一條龍的雙語國際學校,4 個校區共有超過 2700 名學生。 FIS 培养相互信任的关系,帮助发展每个学生的才能和热情,同时支持他们的需求。我们让每个学生都能实现自己的抱负,充分发挥学习潜能。
For over 15 years, our high-scoring students have gone on to attend the top universities in the world. Our teachers coach, support and inspire students to achieve outstanding results.
Welcome to BBIS Berlin Brandenburg International School, a place where students are empowered to reach their unique potential and thrive on a global stage.
The BSC, Spain offers exceptional education in English for International and local students. Our curriculum is based on the best international systems, including iGCSE´s and the IB Diploma.
Regents International School Pattaya is like no other school in Thailand. As part of the family of 66 Nord Anglia schools located around the world, we provide unique learning opportunities far beyond the ordinary. We are an exciting, vibrant and inclusive school which has something to offer to every child and every family in our dynamic and diverse community.
Set within the rich cultural context of Austria and the beauty of the Vienna woods, the American International School Vienna is one of the top international schools in the country.
The International Bilingual School of Provence, an independent coeducational school located near Aix-en-Provence in the south of France, owes its international character to the diversity of its student population.
Since 1951, the International School of Brussels (ISB) has delivered high quality education to students from countries around the world.
International School San Patricio Toledo offers an International Education in the heart of Spain.
上海社区国际学校 (SCIS) 成立于 1996 年,是上海首批国际学校之一,是一所非营利性教育走读学校,由独立的董事会管理,并接受国际学校基金会的监督。
“在慕尼黑施瓦宾格和海姆豪森的 BIS 校区,来自 60 多个国家的约 1,200 名学生在“相信、启发、成功”的理念下接受教育。
在河内国际学校,我们致力于提供卓越的教育。您的孩子将在独一无二的学习体验、丰富的科技设施和世界一流教师的激励下,取得最好的成绩。 在我们蓬勃发展的学校社区中,每个人都受到正直、关爱和尊重,这培养了一种成功文化,确保我们的学生始终取得优异成绩。我们的成功文化,确保我们的学生始终取得优异成绩,这将引领他们走向人生的任何地方–包括世界一流大学。
Institut Montana Zugerberg is a fully accredited Swiss international boarding school for 90 years now and since 1987 an official IB World School.
哥本哈根国际学校是为 2-19 岁儿童提供国际文凭教育的世界领先学校,我们提供充满活力和全面的学术课程,旨在培养好奇、自信的头脑。在这里,我们支持学生以不同的方式思考。要有好奇心。最重要的是,在与来自世界各地的同龄人建立有意义的关系的同时,还能展现自己的个性。 CIS 有来自 80 多个国家的 900 多名学生。漫步校园,你会听到多种语言和谐共处。多元文化和多样性是 CIS 社区的核心组成部分,我们致力于建设一个重视各行各业的社区,无论你的种族、宗教、性取向或性别认同如何,都能发出自己的声音。 我们坚信,建立一个重视多样性的包容性社区,对于培养学生应对未来生活中的挑战和选择至关重要。 可持续发展是 CIS 的核心基因,我们致力于一系列雄心勃勃的战略举措,以支持联合国的 17 项可持续发展目标。联合国的全球目标贯穿于整个学校的课程和战略层面,是我们所有决策的核心。
For over 20 years, NAIS Pudong has welcomed our students into a diverse international community, motivating them to achieve the best academic results and to attend the top universities in the world.
Welcome to Ermitage International School, a diverse, cosmopolitan community with 80 years of excellence in teaching students to engage, prosper, and succeed.
Welcome to OBS. Empowering children to face the complex challenges of the future.
Established in 1897, Saint-Charles International School is located in Porrentruy, Switzerland. We provide high-quality education for students aged 8-20, with a commitment to fostering global citizens.
HIS is the Only Non-Profit, International Accredited (WASC), IB World School in Zhejiang Province.
TASIS 瑞士美国学校由国际教育先驱 M. Crist Fleming 于 1956 年创立,是一所走读兼寄宿学校,致力于通过教育、旅行和服务培养全球公民。
H-FARM International School is a day & boarding school offering three IB programmes (PYP, MYP, DP) within a stunning and innovative 50-hectare campus, located minutes away from Venice, Italy.
Haut-Lac International Bilingual School, an independent day and boarding school, opened its doors in 1993 with thirteen students and continues to grow and develop.
SVIS – Sainte Victoire International School is an IB World School located near Aix-en-Provence in the south of France.
科波菲尔韦尔比耶国际学校是世界上唯一一所滑雪进滑雪出的国际学校,坐落在瑞士阿尔卑斯山的韦尔比耶村。 我们聘请了世界一流的教师,建造了令人心旷神怡的宁静校园,并形成了一套充满力量的教育理念。
The English Schools Foundation (ESF) is the largest English medium international school orgranisation in Hong Kong. Our 22 schools and comprehensive programme of extra-curricular activities bring out the best in every student.
École Jeannine Manuel 是一所法语双语国际 K-12 学校,成立于 1954 年。它欢迎来自 80 多个国家的 2400 多名学生,并提供 IB 和 BFI。
Yago School is an innovative IB day school (Ages 0 to 18) and the only Boarding School in Sevilla.
BEPS is known for its family feel it has cultivated over the past 50 years, maintaining a close knit community while providing meaningful and authentic learning.
SJI International is a Lasallian Catholic school in Singapore that offers a holistic, values-driven, international educational experience to a 2,000-strong student body of over 40 nationalities.
Since 2003, Dulwich Pudong has been a leading international school in Shanghai with a strong academic reputation.
Institut auf dem Rosenberg, the Artisans of Education® 是一所瑞士国际寄宿学校,招收 5 至 18 岁的学生。
Smiling International School is accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education and it is also an International Baccalaureate® World School authorised to offer the IB Diploma Programme.
ISB 采用非营利模式,以研究为基础的教育方法,并在美丽的校园内配备了世界一流的设施,确保我们的学生能够取得令人瞩目的成绩并发现自己的激情。
The International College Spain, Madrid is the only school in Madrid to offer the three prestigious IB programmes, providing students with a stimulating academic curriculum in a caring environment.
The International School of Lausanne (ISL), a leading non-profit, independent school dedicated to delivering a world-class International Baccalaureate (IB) education, was established in 1962. ISL stands out for its exceptional academic track record, innovative and inclusive learning environment, and vibrant international community. Accredited by the Council of International Schools (CIS) and a member of the […]
St. Peter’s school is the only school in Barcelona with the IB Continuum taught in English. We offer the three International Baccalaureate programmes: Early and Primary Years, Middle Years and Diploma Programme.
King’s College, The British School of Madrid is a British school located in the Soto de Viñuelas neighbourhood in Tres Cantos, Madrid.
Nord Anglia International School Dublin is a unique international school in Dublin offering a premium and contemporary education for 3-18 year olds.
Nexus International School, stands as a beacon of innovative learning, offering an outstanding international education for learners aged 3-18 years, whilst providing an international boarding experience for ages 10 years and up.
The English School of Kyrenia is a leading private school for boys and girls aged 2 to 18, in Cyprus, offering a British-style education in an international environment.
Ecolint, the world’s first international school, was founded after WWI in 1924 by visionaries with a bold mission: to create a school dedicated to peace. Our unwavering commitment to this vision celebrates the equal value of every human being and fosters friendships among young scholars from over 143 different nationalities.
拉科特国际学校(La Côte International School Aubonne): 卓越的男女合校私立走读学校,招收 3-18 岁学生。英语和双语课程、IBDP、茱莉亚音乐学院/麻省理工学院/联合国儿童基金会合作项目、顶尖大学排名。
AMADEUS International School Vienna is a unique day and first-class boarding IB World school with an integrated Music and Arts Academy.
ISA 是全球公认的国际理解教育领域的领导者。 ISA 成立于 1964 年,是世界上第一所为 2 岁至 18 岁提供所有核心 IB 课程的学校。