



国际寄宿学校评价 2024

大多数学生和父母选择寄宿学校,以获得更具挑战性的学者。寄宿学校确保学生沉浸在学习是所有活动至关重要的教育世界中。大多数寄宿学校的平均班级规模为12个,鼓励学生思考和分享,积极参与他们的学习。老师住在校园里,在上学日结束后可以提供额外的帮助。 全世界的教育专家就寄宿学校的许多好处达成共识。国家的选择将取决于个人偏好。尽管如此,任何目的地都将允许学生体验新的文化,结识国际朋友,创造更多的独立性和信心,发展新的语言技能,提高社交网络并增加未来的职业机会。


Reddam House Berkshire is a co-educational, independent school that aspires to excellence in education for girls and boys from three months to 18 years old.
King’s College, The British School of Madrid is a British school located in the Soto de Viñuelas neighbourhood in Tres Cantos, Madrid.
The International Bilingual School of Provence, an independent coeducational school located near Aix-en-Provence in the south of France, owes its international character to the diversity of its student population.
AMADEUS International School Vienna is a unique day and first-class boarding IB World school with an integrated Music and Arts Academy.
沙夫豪森国际学校 (ISSH) 是一个让学生有宾至如归的感觉的地方。
韩国领先的独立、完整的 IB 世界学校为学生提供卓越的学术成绩,同时对全球参与和福祉做出无与伦比的承诺。
IMG 学院是世界上首屈一指的寄宿学校,面向专注且充满热情的学生运动员。
TASIS 瑞士美国学校由国际教育先驱 M. Crist Fleming 于 1956 年创立,是一所走读兼寄宿学校,致力于通过教育、旅行和服务培养全球公民。
Lakefield College School 于 1879 年在安大略省东北部成立,为 9 至 12 年级的学生提供世界著名的男女同校走读和寄宿学校体验。
THINK Global School 是世界上第一所流动高中。年龄在 15 至 18 岁之间的参与者每年通过在四个不同国家(总共十个国家)生活来获得教育,从他们的多元文化经验中直接学习。在国内期间,学生获得了在日益全球化的世界中带来变革所需的专业知识。
Smiling International School is accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education and it is also an International Baccalaureate® World School authorised to offer the IB Diploma Programme. 
一所位于罗马市中心的 IB 世界学校。这是一个由我们的 5 个核心价值观(学术、诚信、创造力、独立和关怀)驱动的互联社区。
科波菲尔韦尔比耶国际学校是世界上唯一一所滑雪进滑雪出的国际学校,坐落在瑞士阿尔卑斯山的韦尔比耶村。 我们聘请了世界一流的教师,建造了令人心旷神怡的宁静校园,并形成了一套充满力量的教育理念。
Brillantmont International School is one of the oldest schools in Switzerland. It was founded in 1882 and is still owned by the founding family.
SVIS – Sainte Victoire International School is an IB World School located near Aix-en-Provence in the south of France.
Welcome to Prince of Wales Island International School (POWIIS). We offer a broad and balanced education based on a British-style curriculum for students aged 3 to 19.
Combining 450 years of outstanding pedagogy at Harrow School, one of the UK’s most prestigious independent schools, with the vibrancy of New York and a stunning waterfront campus spread over more than 100 acres, Harrow New York offers a premium da...
SJI International is a Lasallian Catholic school in Singapore that offers a holistic, values-driven, international educational experience to a 2,000-strong student body of over 40 nationalities.
Yago School is an innovative IB day school (Ages 0 to 18) and the only Boarding School in Sevilla.
AN EXTRAORDINARY COMMUNITY OF LEARNERS At North Broward Preparatory School, students are inspired to learn without limits and go beyond any border to make an impact in the world.
Founded in 2014, Epsom College in Malaysia ( is the only sister school of the prestigious Epsom College in the UK, which was honoured as ‘Independent School of the Year 2022.’ Epsom College in Malaysia provides ...
Schloss Krumbach 国际学校是一所男女同校的寄宿学校,招收 12 至 19 岁的学生,坐落在奥地利城堡内真正独特的环境中。
Founded in 2014, Epsom College in Malaysia is the only sister school of the prestigious Epsom College in the UK, which was honoured as 'Independent School of the Year 2022.' Epsom College in Malaysia provides a transformative learning experience, ...
At J. Addison School, we are a K-12 day/boarding school based in Markham, Ontario, Canada that strives to provide an inclusive environment to foster cooperative learning, creativity, and innovation.
Haut-Lac International Bilingual School, an independent day and boarding school, opened its doors in 1993 with thirteen students and continues to grow and develop.
Institut Montana Zugerberg is a fully accredited Swiss international boarding school for 90 years now and since 1987 an official IB World School.