BSG is the most-established British int'l school in Guangzhou. We’ve been setting the highest standard since 2005, enabling students to achieve academic excellence leading them to top universities.
For over 15 years, our high-scoring students have gone on to attend the top universities in the world. Our teachers coach, support and inspire students to achieve outstanding results.
法国文化,全球视野 – 香港法国国际学校成立于 1963 年,是香港首批国际学校之一,也是香港第一所提供 IB 文凭的学校。 一所世界級的 IB 學校 – 法國國際學校是香港一條龍的雙語國際學校,4 個校區共有超過 2700 名學生。 FIS 培养相互信任的关系,帮助发展每个学生的才能和热情,同时支持他们的需求。我们让每个学生都能实现自己的抱负,充分发挥学习潜能。
上海社区国际学校 (SCIS) 成立于 1996 年,是上海首批国际学校之一,是一所非营利性教育走读学校,由独立的董事会管理,并接受国际学校基金会的监督。
For over 20 years, NAIS Pudong has welcomed our students into a diverse international community, motivating them to achieve the best academic results and to attend the top universities in the world.
ISB 采用非营利模式,以研究为基础的教育方法,并在美丽的校园内配备了世界一流的设施,确保我们的学生能够取得令人瞩目的成绩并发现自己的激情。
Since 2003, Dulwich Pudong has been a leading international school in Shanghai with a strong academic reputation.
Korean International School (KIS) is an international school in Hong Kong that offers a British-style, academic education designed for the English-speaking community in Hong Kong.
香港国际学校(香港国际学校)是一所领先的私立男女混合大学预科学校,招收从一年级(学前班)到十二年级的学生。 自 1966 年以来,香港国际学校一直以基督教信仰为基础,提供卓越的教育环境。我们知道,当学生自己掌握学习方法时,他们的学习效果最佳。我们的美式课程让学生能够做到这一点,并由我们的专业教师指导他们学习,以取得优异成绩。香港国际学校为2,900多名来自40个国家和不同宗教背景的学生提供了一个温馨、包容的学习环境,并不断改进课程和设施,以提升学生的学习体验。 香港国际学校在港岛南区的两个校区设有四个学部: 小学低年级(学前班至二年级)、小学高年级(三至五年级)、初中(六至八年级)和高中(九至十二年级)。香港国际学校是东亚地区学校理事会(EARCOS)的成员,并获得了美国西部学校与学院协会(WASC)的全面认证。
The English Schools Foundation (ESF) is the largest English medium international school orgranisation in Hong Kong. Our 22 schools and comprehensive programme of extra-curricular activities bring out the best in every student.
HIS is the Only Non-Profit, International Accredited (WASC), IB World School in Zhejiang Province.
YCIS Shanghai marks our first footprint in the Chinese mainland. Over the past 30 years, the school has expanded with six campuses across Puxi, Pudong and Lingang, offering a unique education pathway and competitive international curriculum for expatriate children aged 2 - 18.
At Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi the curriculum is academically rigorous, yet the education of the whole child is seen as critical. The wellbeing programme and range of co-curricular opportunities available to all children encourages academic, physical, social and emotional growth