Yew Chung International School of Beijing
- from 2
- to 18 years old
42 different nationalities
- from 130000
- to 321000
800 students
Founded in 1995
Council of International Schools (CIS), Cambridge International Examinations Centre, International Baccalaureate World School (IB World School)
Early Childhood
Fundamental skills and whole-child development.
At YCIS, students aged two to four are immersed in a supportive, bilingual learning environment, where Chinese and international teachers work together with parents to develop confident, caring, and curious young learners. The focus in these early years is on whole-child development, building character and instilling personal and social values that will support students for life.
A project-based, student-centred approach.
YCIS primary students master core international curriculum by connecting classroom questions to real-world problems. Our positive, nurturing, and compassionate environment empowers students and teaches integrity, honesty, and respect.
Our primary students become more independent and gain the perspective that authentic learning is more than memorising texts and formulae. Working through actual scenarios and issues and taking a hands-on approach in their everyday studies means, they won’t just know the facts, but they will also seek to understand and internalise them.
A whole-student approach to curriculum.
On their path to university, YCIS secondary students journey through the Yew Chung Curriculum (Years 7-9) – a bilingual, international curriculum written by experts from the Curriculum and Professional Development Division, the International General Certificate of International Education (IGCSE) Programme (Years 10-11), and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) (Years 12-13).
Dining room
Tennis court
Soccer court
Basketball court
Volleyball court
Arts room
Computer room
Music room
Running track
Dance studio
Science room
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Yew Chung International School of Beijing?
- from 130000
- to 321000
Day school tuition
Year Level
- K2 – Kindergarten (Half Day): ¥52,000 (Semester 1) | ¥78,000 (Semester 2) | ¥130,000 (Annual)
- K2 – Kindergarten (Full Day): ¥84,000 (Semester 1) | ¥126,000 (Semester 2) | ¥210,000 (Annual)
- K3 & K4 – Kindergarten (Full Day): ¥92,800 (Semester 1) | ¥139,200 (Semester 2) | ¥232,000 (Annual)
- Years 1 & 2 – Primary: ¥111,600 (Semester 1) | ¥167,400 (Semester 2) | ¥279,000 (Annual)
- Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 – Primary: ¥114,000 (Semester 1) | ¥171,000 (Semester 2) | ¥285,000 (Annual)
- Years 7, 8 & 9 – Lower Secondary: ¥122,000 (Semester 1) | ¥183,000 (Semester 2) | ¥305,000 (Annual)
- Years 10 & 11 – Upper Secondary IGCSE: ¥128,400 (Semester 1) | ¥192,600 (Semester 2) | ¥321,000 (Annual)
- Years 12 & 13 – Upper Secondary IB: ¥128,400 (Semester 1) | ¥192,600 (Semester 2) | ¥321,000 (Annual)
Things to know
YCIS Beijing is centrally located, providing convenience and accessibility. Our School offers a truly global education to children from Early Childhood to Year 13, providing multicultural and timetabled bilingual lessons. This unique bilingual model empowers our students to engage as global, future-focused individuals.
How many students are in Yew Chung International School of Beijing?
800 students
- In total, Yew Chung International School of Beijing enrolls
- 800 students from
- 42 different nationalities.
On-site healthcare is provided by two certified full-time nurses to conduct first aid and handle minor injuries and illnesses. In case of emergency, parents are contacted immediately.Our school is fitted with PM 2.5 filtration so that students and staff can enjoy safe levels of AQI. We have AQI monitors installed across the campus that parents can view remotely in real time. To read more about our AQI policy, click here.We also provide 24-hour on-site security guards, and all school visitors must register at the gate. Parents can rest assured that their children are well cared for every day.