Yago School
- from 1
- to 18 years old
33 different nationalities
- from 7200
- to 33000
824 students
Founded in 2010
WASC, IB iploma, TABS, KIVA, University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations, Confucius Institute – Hanban, Google GSuite, DELF-DALF, ABRSM, Lego Education, Microsoft, Apple
We provide a differentiated curriculum in which we combine the IB® programmes with the national curriculum in a common pedagogical framework, recognised for each programme, and with a coherent structure of objectives and values.
The main objective of the Diploma Programme is to provide our students with an internationally recognised and comprehensive education that prepares them for university and for their future careers. Through participation in IB programmes, students learn to become thoughtful citizens, able to express their thoughts and to manage their time and responsibilities well.
Its programmes are focused on developing inquiring, informed, educated, caring and motivated students.
It is the perfect training for our students’ university studies, giving them the opportunity to study at top universities in the world.
Extra curricular
In our effort to improve year by year, we have expanded the offer taking into account the demands of our students, meticulously selecting the new activities and the professionals who are going to teach them. As always, this offer is articulated around Schools of Knowledge that reflect our philosophy of a comprehensive education in all areas.
Yago School Clubs: Football, basketball, skate, judo, gymnastics, volleyball, rowing, rugby tag, introduction to music, piano, Spanish guitar, violin, percussion, street dance, baby ballet, classic ballet, flamenco dance, sevillanas, acting and drama, art and painting, photography, languages club, homework club, chess club, technology club, coding and robotics club, among others.
At Yago School we provide our students with an international mindset and prepare them for a global future in this ever-changing environment.
Our International Boarding School in Seville is a secure and modern facility that houses 56 students from different countries around the world. Our aim for our boarding students is for them to have an unforgettable multicultural experiencein an environment that fosters , autonomy and cultural competence.Attaining these skills will improve their academic performance and positively impact their university years and professional careers.
Students in our boarding home are cared for 24/7 by our qualified and experienced staff. A staff who create a home away from home where students will build lifelong relationships, memories and experiences.
The Boarding Home facilities have been built and designed following the most rigorous quality control criteria. Our facility includes:
– Spacious rooms with a maximum occupancy of 4 students. Rooms are fully furnished including closets and a private bathroom. While the boarding home is coed, males and females are roomed by zone. Rooms are thoroughly cleaned on a weekly basis.
– Bathrooms on each floor.
– Fully equipped gym and jet pool.
– Infirmary.
– Common area with kitchenette.
– Game room.
– Study room.
– Laundry room.
– Storage area.
– Climate controlled pool with retractable awning.
– Changing rooms.
– Sports and recreational area.
The Boarding Home also has top amenities to ensure that our students feel comfortable and secure during their stay at Yago School:
– Cleaning and laundry service.
– Wi-fi.
– 24 hour monitoring and security.
– Health clinic services.
– Food and dining Services.
– Transportation on weekends.
– Homework and study support.
– Integration and welcome orientation activities for international and national students.
Cultural activities, sports, leisure and recreation
Our school calendar includes a series of activities related to culture, leisure and sports in which students are always keen to participate in. Additionally our students are able to participate in school organized field trips and excursions all of which facilitate their integration in our school community.
Weekend Activities
Weekend activities, organized by our Boarding Home staff are aimed at helping our boarding students integrate in their environment. We want to enjoy leisure and entertainment activities , become immersed in the culture and develop on a personal level. Some sample activities include concerts, cultural excursions, field trips and sports trips.
Dining room
Swimming pool
Soccer court
Basketball court
Volleyball court
Hockey field
Arts room
Computer room
Music room
Running track
Dance studio
Science room
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Yago School?
- from 7200
- to 33000
Things to know
How many students are in Yago School?
824 students
- In total, Yago School enrolls
- 824 students from
- 33 different nationalities.