Windermere School
- from 3
- to 18 years old
17 different nationalities
- from 8845
- to 32985
330 students
Founded in 1863
Society of Heads, IAPS, Round Square, IB, British Youth Sailing
We seek to equip students for life in a changing world, through a rigorous and balanced academic curriculum that makes the most of our unique environment and membership of Round Square. Windermere School is an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School offering the IB Diploma Programme and the IB Career-Related Programme. IB World Schools share a common philosophy: a commitment to high-quality, challenging, international education. We also offer IB Certificates and standalone vocational qualifications, to offer an educational pathway perfectly tailored to your needs. Our GCSE curriculum is carefully designed to be both challenging and flexible. It allows us to tailor the content and pace of the curriculum to whatever is most appropriate to your child. All students are encouraged to follow a broad programme of around 9 or 10 courses over Years 10 and 11. We recommend that most students pick 9 courses to allow themselves time for study within the curriculum. Compulsory core subjects are studied over two years, alongside a selection of subjects chosen from option blocks. Curriculum The curriculum offered at Windermere School reflects the belief that students should be exposed to as many opportunities as possible and leave the School as well-rounded individuals. Recognition that learning and communication skills are as important as subject content underpins the way the curriculum is delivered. GCSE and IGCSE subjects In Years 10 and 11, all students study English Language, English Literature, Mathematics and a Modern Foreign Language (French, Spanish) for examinations at the end of Year 11. Students may take some GCSEs or IGCSEs in Year 10 and the remainder in Year 11. IGCSEs and GCSEs are offered. Year 11 We accept entry into Year 11 as preparation for the IB Diploma, which is very popular for our international students. Five GCSE subjects are studied to qualify for the IB Diploma in Sixth Form. International Baccalaureate Four programmes are available in the Sixth Form: the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP), the International Baccalaureate Careers Programme (IBCP), International Baccalaureate Certificates and some BTECs. The School has been offering the Diploma Programme for ten years and the school was the pilot school for the IB Careers Certificate (the precursor to the IBCP) in the UK.
Extra curricular
Windermere School has a water sports centre, Hodge Howe, providing a wide range of opportunities for students during the School’s timetabled curriculum and as part of the extra-curricular activity programme. The centre has accreditation from the British Canoeing and the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority, as well as being an RYA Teaching Centre and BYS Recognised Club. The School has a variety of after-school activities, running every week night evening until 5.30pm. Horse Riding, Tennis Coaching, Golf, Archery, sports team practices and Art Clubs are just some of the options available to students.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Windermere School?
- from 8845
- to 32985
Things to know
Pre-School and Reception, Primary, Secondary, Sixth Form
How many students are in Windermere School?
330 students
- In total, Windermere School enrolls
- 330 students from
- 17 different nationalities.
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