WSgallery_Windermere-School_1 WSgallery_Windermere-School_1 Windermere School

Windermere School

Boarding School - Day School
England, Europe, United Kingdom


Windermere School is situated in the heart of England’s Lake District, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The rugged beauty of the landscape not only makes for an inspiring educational setting but enables students to make use of what surrounds them, taking part in watersports, hill walking and many other outdoor adventures. This makes for a truly unique and ever busy extra-curricular programme. The School com...
Type of school
Age range



17 different nationalities

Yearly fee
Nr of students

330 students


Founded in 1863


Society of Heads, IAPS, Round Square, IB, British Youth Sailing


We seek to equip students for life in a changing world, through a rigorous and balanced academic curriculum that makes the most of our unique environment and membership of Round Square. Windermere School is an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School offering the IB Diploma Programme and the IB Career-Related Programme. IB World Schools share a common philosophy: a commitment to high-quality, challenging, international education. We also offer IB Certificates and standalone vocational qualifications, to offer an educational pathway perfectly tailored to your needs. Our GCSE curriculum is carefully designed to be both challenging and flexible. It allows us to tailor the content and pace of the curriculum to whatever is most appropriate to your child. All students are encouraged to follow a broad programme of around 9 or 10 courses over Years 10 and 11. We recommend that most students pick 9 courses to allow themselves time for study within the curriculum. Compulsory core subjects are studied over two years, alongside a selection of subjects chosen from option blocks. Curriculum The curriculum offered at Windermere School reflects the belief that students should be exposed to as many opportunities as possible and leave the School as well-rounded individuals. Recognition that learning and communication skills are as important as subject content underpins the way the curriculum is delivered. GCSE and IGCSE subjects In Years 10 and 11, all students study English Language, English Literature, Mathematics and a Modern Foreign Language (French, Spanish) for examinations at the end of Year 11. Students may take some GCSEs or IGCSEs in Year 10 and the remainder in Year 11. IGCSEs and GCSEs are offered. Year 11 We accept entry into Year 11 as preparation for the IB Diploma, which is very popular for our international students. Five GCSE subjects are studied to qualify for the IB Diploma in Sixth Form. International Baccalaureate Four programmes are available in the Sixth Form: the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP), the International Baccalaureate Careers Programme (IBCP), International Baccalaureate Certificates and some BTECs. The School has been offering the Diploma Programme for ten years and the school was the pilot school for the IB Careers Certificate (the precursor to the IBCP) in the UK.

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Language of instruction
Foreign languages taught

Extra curricular

Windermere School has a water sports centre, Hodge Howe, providing a wide range of opportunities for students during the School’s timetabled curriculum and as part of the extra-curricular activity programme. The centre has accreditation from the British Canoeing and the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority, as well as being an RYA Teaching Centre and BYS Recognised Club. The School has a variety of after-school activities, running every week night evening until 5.30pm. Horse Riding, Tennis Coaching, Golf, Archery, sports team practices and Art Clubs are just some of the options available to students.

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Dining room

Tuition and fees per year

How much does it cost to go to Windermere School?

Things to know

Enrollment phase

Pre-School and Reception, Primary, Secondary, Sixth Form

How many students are in Windermere School?

330 students

Student-teacher ratio

1 : 6


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Windermere School



Windermere School is situated in the heart of England’s Lake District, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The rugged beauty of the landscape not only makes for an inspiring educational setting but enables students to make use of what surrounds them, taking part in watersports, hill walking and many other outdoor adventures. This makes for a truly unique and ever busy extra-curricular programme. The School comprises three campuses: Elleray, Browhead and Hodge Howe. Hodge Howe is our own RYA (Royal Yachting Association) accredited Water Sports Centre and boathouse on the shores of Lake Windermere. In 2018, the School was chosen to become a British Youth Sailing Recognised Club by the Royal Yachting Association for its race training and is the only school in the UK to receive this. Windermere is a thriving, historic Cumbrian community and one of the UK’s most sought-after holiday destinations. It has easy access to major roads, airports and rail, and is safe, secure and convenient – in short, the perfect learning environment for our students. At Windermere School, we aim to maximise each child’s academic potential, and believe we can offer a truly unique space in which children can grow and develop as well-rounded individuals. Windermere School is an IB World School and is a Global member of Round Square and these two philosophies shape and frame the education we aim to provide, which is confident and compassionate young people. In the latest inspection report by the ISI, Windermere School received the highest grades for the quality of the education provided; it was recognised as ‘Excellent’ for both categories: academic and other achievements, and personal development.

Elleray Campus (3–11 years)
Windermere School provides an exceptional education for boys and girls between the ages of 3 and 11 on a designated campus. It is located in the most idyllic setting, high above Windermere, on the wooded slopes overlooking the lake and the Langdales beyond. Mathematics and English start each day, and Science is the key to the remaining curriculum, which includes Art, Drama, Design and Technology, all major sports and our unique Adventure programme. Children from the Lake District have been educated at the Elleray Campus for over a century, together with boarders who join us from all over the world. We pride ourselves on treating each and every child as an individual. Their aspirations, hopes, needs, interests, potential and, most importantly, their enjoyment are at the very heart of our educational process.

Lower and Middle School (11–16 years)
Our Lower and Middle School, located on the Browhead Campus, provides a safe, nurturing environment for children as they enter the first stages of their secondary education. The first years of secondary education can bring mixed feelings, excitement, anticipation and uncertainty. At Windermere School, we offer an environment that allows young students to settle in to secondary education with confidence, allowing their academic ability and personalities to flourish. The campus, nestled in the trees overlooking Windermere, provides room for students to grow in a safe environment. The Senior School has a 50/50 ratio of boys to girls, and a similar ratio of boarding to day pupils. Browhead is the hub of School activity, with girls’ boarding facilities located upstairs, Crampton Hall, computer rooms and administration offices downstairs. Langdale House, our boys’ boarding facility, provides an excellent space for boy boarders, with a junior and senior common room for all pupils to enjoy during break times.

Sixth Form (16-18 years)
Our Sixth Form Centre, also located on the Browhead Campus, accepts students as both day pupils and boarders and offers a university-style boarding environment for both living and learning. The rich literary and cultural heritage of the Lake District together with the great outdoors provide an inspirational setting for study, self-discovery and enjoyment. The ethos of sixth-form life for students is reflected in their study facilities, accommodation and responsibilities. All students have study-bedrooms or study facilities in Westmorland House, a purpose-built sixth-form complex. Students live in flats with single and double study-bedrooms, sitting room and a bathroom. Exceptional pastoral support and a broad activity programme enhance the high academic standards achieved by the students.


Dining room

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