Wendover Online School
- from 7
- to 19 years old
8 different nationalities
- from 9000
- to 17000
80 students
Founded in 2016
Extra curricular
Whilst our small classes with live interactive lessons and our assemblies mean our students get to have a vibrant social experience with their classmates, everyone enjoys relaxing out of school too!
Our broad extracurricular programme ensures that our students gain enrichment beyond the classroom. We encourage this in several ways.
Our afternoon and early evening clubs (Film, Baking, Photography, Gaming, Creative Writing, Business start-up, Animal Care and more!) allow students to come together to further their interests and learn new ones.
These clubs take place an hour after the end of lessons from 14:00 or early evening. It’s a great opportunity to meet with teachers outside classes.
Students build such close friendships that this leads to a tremendous desire to see each other! Some do this on their own initiative, and for a couple of our year 7s recently cross country with parental support!
The school offers meet-ups in the UK whether in London or regionally, usually with an interest focus e.g. Van Gogh immersive experience, Bletchley Park, British Museum, Oxford Colleges.
A school-wide initiative called 50 Achievements started in September 2023, students are challenged to try out new activities and interests and in doing so they are introduced to things they may not have come across before.
Activities include sport, drama, music, mindfulness, helping others, consideration of the world at large. These activities are monitored and shared in group tutorials and teachers also join in.
As a school, we also support our parents and students to find local activities. Before a student starts at Wendover their head of year meets with the family to discuss the local opportunities which we have researched.
Sports, theatre, music, volunteering, Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, there are so many activities after school and at the weekends! We take an enormous interest in what students are already doing too, and actively encourage them to give us updates.
We also explore work experience and the opportunities our links with companies bring. Outside speakers have inspired our students to venture out, and try new things.
Our subject delivery also presents some great opportunities for meet-ups, whether preparing for Art A-Level and visiting galleries in London, Glasgow or Paris, or joining together for sixth-form practical science weeks.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Wendover Online School?
- from 9000
- to 17000
Day school tuition
Things to know
The main intake is in September, but students are also accepted termly throughout the academic year.
How many students are in Wendover Online School?
80 students
- In total, Wendover Online School enrolls
- 80 students from
- 8 different nationalities.
Wendover has a strong safeguarding and pastoral care ethos. All staff and students are provided with safeguarding training. Weekly tutorials provide the opportunity for staff to provide support and ensure the emotional well-being of all our students. Any concerns are raised and addressed swiftly.Regular communication takes place between teachers and parents primarily through online channels. The safety and well-being of our students are paramount at all times.
Class sizes never exceed six, we also offer one-to-one teaching. Lessons are delivered by one of our team of 50 subject specialist teachers.