Virtus College, The British Sixth Form
- from 15
- to 18 years old
6 different nationalities
- from 23000
- to 24000
80 students
Founded in 2016
Oxford AQA, UCAS, Edexcel, UNED
At Virtus College, we work with the International A-Levels (IALs), a variant of the conventional A-Level in which students are officially examined in January and May of Year 12 and Year 13, dividing the examination content into four series instead of one. In addition, each subject is divided into modules (separate components) that allow work around the syllabus in a more structured way.
Extra curricular
At Virtus, the Co-Curriculum offer revolves around the Gate-to-Gate model: from the gate of the school to the gate of the university. The Co-Curriculum has two main branches: on the one hand, the Co-Curricular Clubs are a fundamental piece of our pre-university approach, providing students with specific skills and knowledge highly valued by universities, with the aim of delving into an academic field of their interest.
On the other hand, the Stage Space is a programme based on the participation of students in formal debates (raised around cultural and current issues) and the practice of performing arts and theatre.
The Co-Curriculum is the cornerstone for equipping our students with transversal skills that allow them to face the challenges of the 21st-century, such as critical thinking, intellectual curiosity and public speaking. It also offers a global outlook and a broader knowledge of their academic and professional interests.
The Co-Curricular Clubs are a unique opportunity to delve into specific academic fields that are related to the university aspirations of Virtus students. In addition, they represent a great added value to impress universities with projects and tangible experiences during the university application process: Humanities & Media Studies, Business, Finance & Entrepreneurship, Engineering, Maths & Physics, Biomedical Sciences.
Dining room
Tennis court
Arts room
Computer room
Music room
Science room
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Virtus College, The British Sixth Form?
- from 23000
- to 24000
Things to know
How many students are in Virtus College, The British Sixth Form?
80 students
- In total, Virtus College, The British Sixth Form enrolls
- 80 students from
- 6 different nationalities.
Nurse, Mentors and psycho-pedagogical counsellors strive to create a climate in which daily effort, enthusiasm and self-confidence are the perspective from which students face their challenges.
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