UWC Dilijan Armenia
- from 16
- to 18 years old
80 different nationalities
- from 44.000
220 students
Founded in 2014
Eco-Schools International Baccalaureate Council of International Schools Australian Boarding Schools Association
At UWC Dilijan, students follow the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP), a two-year educational course recognised by universities worldwide. The curriculum is taught in English and includes the IBDP Core, which covers Theory of Knowledge, Creativity, Action & Service, and the Extended Essay. Students also choose six subjects, most of them at a standard or higher level, from the following categories:
Studies in Language and Literature, (English Literature, English Language and Literature, Armenian Literature, Russian Literature, and School-Supported Self-Taught Languages A: Arabic, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Japanese, Norwegian, Slovak, Spanish, Zulu
Language Acquisition (German, Russian, Spanish, English and Language and Culture)
Individuals and Societies: Economics, Environmental Systems & Societies, Geography, Global Politics, History, Language & Culture, Philosophy
Sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Systems & Societies, Physics
Mathematics: Mathematics/Analysis and Approaches, Mathematics/Applications and Interpretation
The Arts: Theatre, Visual Arts
Extra curricular
Co-curricular activities are an important part of the UWC Dilijan experience. This programme helps UWC Dilijan students identify personal strengths and areas of growth, build on their potential to challenge themselves, and move beyond their comfort zone. It helps them develop the ethics of community service, engage with issues of global significance, and enhance their skills in teamwork and project management.
CAS – Creativity, Activity, Service – has always been at the core of the UWC education, and at the same time, it is one of the three essential elements that every student must complete as part of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.
Ceramics with the community
DiliMUN (Model United Nations)
Debate club
Hack club
Experimental theatre
Girls football
Dance clubs
Rock climbing
Armenian dance
Latino dance
Afro dance
Knitting & crocheting
Art with kids
Language courses: English and Chinese
Hands for Youth (Student-led humanitarian group with the vision of helping youth in need)
Book club for the community
Ceramics with the community
Student cafe
A UWC education emphasises experiential learning. The classroom is only one component of that experience, which extends to service learning, sport, creativity, student societies and life together in a residential setting.
Driven by a commitment to the social and emotional wellness of our students, the residential life programme provides students the chance to live the values that are central to the ethos of UWC community. Students live in comfortable residences called “toons”, which in Armenian means “house”. There are either two or four students from diverse cultures living in one room with shared bathrooms. Toon Parents, the staff members assigned to the residences, support and maintain a homely environment for the students and they assume the role of the local parentis. To make students’ living conditions healthy and comfortable there are several common rooms, kitchens areas, indoor game areas, laundry areas and multi faith prayer rooms. The students gain valuable and enriching experience living together with many different nationalities under the same roof
Dining room
Swimming pool
Tennis court
Soccer court
Basketball court
Volleyball court
Arts room
Computer room
Music room
Dance studio
Science room
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to UWC Dilijan Armenia?
- from 44.000
Boarding school tuition
Things to know
There are two main ways that you can apply to study for the IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) at a UWC boarding school:If you do not require a grant or a scholarship to attend UWC Dilijan and want to apply to our school please register on here uwcdilijan.org/apply and we will inform you when the next UWC Global Selection Programme application. Through the UWC National Committee in your country of residence or citizenship. If you require a grant or scholarship, you should apply using the UWC National Committee Selection. Over 80% of students selected through the UWC National Committee system are also offered financial assistance. Scholarships are granted on the basis of each individual's need and means.
How many students are in UWC Dilijan Armenia?
220 students
- In total, UWC Dilijan Armenia enrolls
- 220 students from
- 80 different nationalities.
Keeping children safe is everyone’s responsibility at UWC Dilijan. UWC Dilijan is a member of the Child Protection Network and follows its Safeguarding Policy.UWC Dilijan has a modern, well-equipped medical centre on campus, providing high-quality healthcare for students and staff. It includes hospital beds, an isolation ward, and a dental room for regular check-ups. A team of qualified nurses ensures 24-hour coverage, with an experienced doctor available for consultations. In addition to this facility, the nearby Tavush Medical Centre offers first-class support for more serious medical issues. UWC Dilijan also has a full-time Psychological Counselling Service, aimed at providing psychological facilitation and support. The service promotes psychological well-being, self-awareness, resilience, and personal development while improving interpersonal relationships through individual and group counselling, psychotherapy, mediation, experiential groups, and formal presentations.