UNIS Hanoi
- from 3
- to 18 years old
65 different nationalities
- from 12570
- to 36920
1165 students
Founded in 1988
UNIS Hanoi has a local and international relationship for delivering a robust academic programme that puts the needs and abilities of each child at the centre of our teaching and learning. UNIS Hanoi is a three programme IB World School.
Extra curricular
UNIS Hanoi Co-Curricular Programme is designed to offer a wide range of opportunities for our students to actively engage in purposeful activities beyond the classroom to develop skills, to become life-long learners and responsible world citizens. Our programme is anchored by compassionate and caring professionals who contribute their time for programmes they firmly believe make a difference in the lives of students. The activities within our Co-Curricular Programme provide students the opportunity to explore their passions while developing leadership and collaborative skills, as well as promoting social growth and maturation of all individuals involved.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to UNIS Hanoi?
- from 12570
- to 36920
Day school tuition
Parents of students enrolled at the United Nations International School of Hanoi (UNIS Hanoi) are required to pay tuition and fees as detailed in the Tuition and Fees section. Parents have the option of paying annually, or on a semester installment basis when signing the Enrollment contract. Tuition & Fees applicable under the semester installment payment plan are subject to a four percent (4%) administrative charge. Lunch is charged as an additional cost.
Things to know
How many students are in UNIS Hanoi?
1165 students
- In total, UNIS Hanoi enrolls
- 1165 students from
- 65 different nationalities.