The Wingate School
- from 3
- to 18 years old
33 different nationalities
- from 168300
- to 299200
567 students
Founded in 2016
IBDP, Cambridge International School, IEYC, IPC
TWS provides our pupils with an aligned curriculum. Each curriculum – IEYC in Kinder; the IPC in Primary; Cambridge courses in Forms 1, 2and 3; and the Cambridge IGCSE course in Forms 4 & 5 – takes in consideration the others. The students can see that the material studied, and skills practised, are highly apt. The IEYC and IPC are project-based, recognising that the acquisition of knowledge and skills is confluent. Our curriculum programmes will lead to the pre-university International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
Extra curricular
Art is incorporated into the curriculum via the IPC units. We maintain an active PE programme, with all students receiving two PE lessons per week. Our hardcourts and green campus allow us to provide a varied and healthy PE and sports programme.
Music is a very important part of our thinking and curriculum. All of our Primary students are taught to play an instrument. The instruments currently on offer are the violin, viola, cello, double-bass and percussion. We will be adding more instruments as we develop our school orchestra.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to The Wingate School?
- from 168300
- to 299200
Things to know
How many students are in The Wingate School?
567 students
- In total, The Wingate School enrolls
- 567 students from
- 33 different nationalities.