The British School of Bahrain (BSB)
- from 3
- to 18 years old
92 different nationalities
- from 3003
- to 7923
2900 students
Accredited by BSO (rated “Oustanding”), Penta, and BQA
BSB has consistently achieved the highest A-level scores in Bahrain for four consecutive years, in addition to the many individual awards of highest A-Levels in the world in 2022, for Arabic and Economics. The school also had the best GCSE results in Bahrain, in 2023.
At the British School of Bahrain, we follow the National Curriculum for England and Wales with adaptations to allow for the international nature of our students and also the location of our school in the host nation, the Kingdom of Bahrain.
Extra curricular
A strong co-curricular programme is an essential element of a BSB education. We have a full range of after school activities each day, to complement the curriculum.
Clubs run from 3-4pm once per week and are free of charge where there are no specialist resources required. Each club takes place once per week and will be a minimum of 10 weeks (1 academic term). Examples of clubs on offer are:
- academics
- sports
- performing arts
- student led clubs
- community
- languages
- debating & Model United Nations
Dining room
Swimming pool
Tennis court
Soccer court
Basketball court
Volleyball court
Arts room
Computer room
Music room
Running track
Dance studio
Science room
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to The British School of Bahrain (BSB)?
- from 3003
- to 7923
Day school tuition
Things to know
Infant School, Junior School, Senior School, Sixth Form
How many students are in The British School of Bahrain (BSB)?
2900 students
- In total, The British School of Bahrain (BSB) enrolls
- 2900 students from
- 92 different nationalities.