St. Michael’s School

Boarding School - Day School
England, Hampshire, United Kingdom

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St. Michael's School is a traditional Catholic school that offers a strong Catholic education for children. It is located in Newbury RG20 9JW, United Kingdom, and is run by the Society of St. Pius X. The school welcomes all families who seek a faithful education to the teachings and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church in union with the Catholic Hierarchy. St. Michael's School has a mixed junior day s...
Type of school
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Boys only

Yearly fee
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St. Michael's School - Hampshire, England Day & Boarding School - Reviews and Fees 2025

Frequently Asked Questions about St. Michael’s School

St. Michael’s School is a traditional Catholic school that offers a strong Catholic education for children. It is located in Newbury RG20 9JW, United Kingdom, and is run by the Society of St. Pius X. The school welcomes all families who seek a faithful education to the teachings and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church in union with the Catholic Hierarchy.
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Tuition fees for St. Michael’s School range from 6000 to 10800 GBP per year.

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St. Michael’s School



St. Michael's School is a traditional Catholic school that offers a strong Catholic education for children. It is located in Newbury RG20 9JW, United Kingdom, and is run by the Society of St. Pius X. The school welcomes all families who seek a faithful education to the teachings and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church in union with the Catholic Hierarchy.

St. Michael's School has a mixed junior day school and boys senior school with boarding. It also offers full boarding or weekly boarding options for children. The weekly boarding fee is £860 per term.

The school's primary and prep school is for boys and girls, while the secondary school (year 9 onwards) is for boys. Additionally, there is a boarding house for boys from year 7 onwards.

The school's aims and ethos are simple: to educate children in virtue (ordinatio rationis ad bonum) in a happy and safe environment, to educate children to fulfill their academic and physical potential, and to educate children for their vocation in society, as future fathers, mothers, religious, or single and celibate.

Parents are enthusiastic about the school, stating that it combines a great secular education with high moral standards and equips children with a true understanding of the Catholic faith. Overall, St. Michael's School is a beautiful country setting that offers a strong Catholic education for children.



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