Scotch Global
- from 11
- to 19 years old
10 different nationalities
- from 12500
1600 students
Founded in 1897
International Baccalaureate (IB) World School
In our Connect stream students can complete their high-schooling online. The Western Australian Curriculum is taught from Years 6 to 10 and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) is taught in the final years of school. The IBDP is recognised and respected by the world’s leading universities.
Our agile learning environment supports diverse, inquisitive, and ambitious students aged 9 to 25 to learn their way. We’ll help you expand your opportunities for the future with high-quality online schooling that is delivered by experts in tight-knit digital classrooms.
Extra curricular
In our Thrive stream students can complete co-curricular courses and programmes designed to educate, support and extend students at home.
In our Accelerate stream, high-school students can complete programmes designed to develop knowledge, critical skills, and connections that will assist in making informed decisions about their career after school.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Scotch Global?
- from 12500
Things to know
How many students are in Scotch Global?
1600 students
- In total, Scotch Global enrolls
- 1600 students from
- 10 different nationalities.