Rome International School
- from 2
- to 18 years old
50 different nationalities
- from 9700
- to 24425
450 students
Founded in 1988
IB World School; Cambridge International School; Duke of Edinburgh's International Award; Eco School
RIS is an International Baccalaureate World School – the only school in Rome authorised to offer both the IB Primary Years Programme for ages 3 to 11 and the IB Diploma Programme for ages 16 to 18. Our rich middle school (ages 12 to 14) curriculum leading to the Cambridge IGCSE (ages 14 to 16), provides the consistency of a true international education.
Extra curricular
As educators we know that the life of the school has to go well beyond the school day. Our students can practise a sport, a musical activity, augment their studies, learn a language or simply do something that is fun and educational. This programme reaches out to all ages and interests, including mums and dads. We believe it is full of opportunities and it embraces inclusivity, diversity and develops the qualities of the IB Learner Profile.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Rome International School?
- from 9700
- to 24425
Things to know
How many students are in Rome International School?
450 students
- In total, Rome International School enrolls
- 450 students from
- 50 different nationalities.