One World International School Osaka
- from 4
- to 5 years old
10 different nationalities
- from 1417500
- to 1713000
250 students
Founded in 2023
International Baccalaureate
Our curriculum is grounded in inquiry-based learning, certified by the International Baccalaureate, and delivered in English within a diverse international setting.
At OWIS, we combine rigorous academics with a student-centred approach, incorporating Montessori principles and engaging teaching methods that enhance learning outcomes by focusing on students’ strengths.
Our curriculum, structured around the IB Units of Inquiry, emphasises collaboration, social interaction, and teamwork, making learning both enjoyable and memorable. This holistic approach prepares our students to be the leaders of tomorrow, ensuring they are well-equipped for the challenges of an interconnected world.
Extra curricular
As part of our ongoing commitment to providing well-rounded holistic education, our After-School, Clubs, and Extracurricular (ACE) programmes aim to provide social, physical, and emotional development, in a fun, international, and inclusive environment.
We provide a range of competitive sports, fun clubs, and studious extracurricular activities, including soccer, hip-hop, pottery, Intensive English, & Afterschool Care.
Swimming pool
Arts room
Computer room
Music room
Dance studio
Science room
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to One World International School Osaka?
- from 1417500
- to 1713000
Day school tuition
Things to know
How many students are in One World International School Osaka?
250 students
- In total, One World International School Osaka enrolls
- 250 students from
- 10 different nationalities.
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