North London Collegiate School Jeju
- from 4
- to 18 years old
18 different nationalities
- from 25500
- to 35500
1420 students
Founded in 2011
At NLCS Jeju we hold the highest standards of academic excellence. We expect our students to achieve outstanding success in both the Cambridge IGCSE and International Baccalaureate(IB) examinations and to go on to some of the best universities in the world. We have offered the IB programme since 2011 and have had a consistent record of success. Our Class of 2023 passed the IB with an average score of 36 points. We are ranked in the global Top 40 IB Schools and are Best in South Korea.
Extra curricular
We are very proud that each week more than 150 activities offer a wide variety of opportunities for our students. The core philosophy is one of opportunity – giving all students access to a wide base of activities and of excellence – ensuring that those who find a passion can excel.
Dining room
Soccer court
Volleyball court
Arts room
Computer room
Running track
Science room
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to North London Collegiate School Jeju?
- from 25500
- to 35500
Day school tuition
Boarding school tuition
Things to know
Reception, Year 1 – Year 10, Year 12
Students can enrol in August, November, January and April.
How many students are in North London Collegiate School Jeju?
1420 students
- In total, North London Collegiate School Jeju enrolls
- 1420 students from
- 18 different nationalities.
The wellbeing of our students is the top priority for NLCS Jeju, which is evident with our safeguarding policy and procedures and is acknowledged as we won the International Schools Awards 'safeguarding' category in 2023 and have been shortlisted for a TES award for Student Wellbeing (winners announced in April 2024). We were also nominated for two NAPCE awards for 'Pastoral Care' and 'Pastoral Member of staff of the Year Award'. With a team of Emotional Guidance Counsellors and a strong house system, students have access to a number of highly trained professionals to seek support, advice and guidance from.
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