Nisai Learning
- from 8
- to 19 years old
16 different nationalities
- from 1899
- to 2499
2720 students
Founded in 1996
Inclusion Quality Mark - Centre of Excellence; UK Department for Education Section 41 Approved; Advisor to the UN on global educational initiatives; work with SEAMEO across Asia
Lower Secondary
Lower Secondary Subjects
Upper Secondary
IGCSE English – First Language
IGCSE English – Second Language
IGCSE Mathematics
IGCSE Mathematics – Additional
IGCSE Combined Science
International GCSE Biology
International GCSE Chemistry
International GCSE Physics
IGCSE Environmental Management
IGCSE Business Studies
IGCSE Economics
IGCSE Sociology
AS & A-Levels
AS & A Level English Language
AS & A Level Mathematics
AS & A Level Thinking Skills
AS & A Level Economics
AS & A Level Sociology
AS Level Environmental Management
Additional Courses
Nisai Passport to Work
Sustainability Projects
Young International Leaders
Presentation Skills
Additional Services
Units of Sound
Extra curricular
Beyond the academic programme, pupils can engage in a variety of co-curricular activities that develop character, foster friendships and promote leadership.
This supports the growth of a well-rounded individual by encouraging them to develop not only their academic skills during their time with us but also skills which will be required as they continue through their education and employment journey.
Every 2 weeks Nisai will organise online exchanges for students to improve their speaking, debating and presentation skills with the most up-to-date topics, focusing on the topic of Sustainable Development Goals, SDG2030.
Interactive Clubs
In addition to the online school clubs with Chillout Zone, Nisai also organises biweekly, alternate online clubs coordinated by experienced mentors, with the aim of creating an environment for students to show their talents and talents and exchange and learn with students around the world.
Chillout Zone
Interact with international friends with more than 20 online clubs controlled and coordinated by British teachers. The clubs have students from more than 30 countries sharing interesting interests and knowledge. Students can propose opening new clubs and running them to develop Leadership skills.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Nisai Learning?
- from 1899
- to 2499
Day school tuition
Things to know
Year 5 - Year 13
How many students are in Nisai Learning?
2720 students
- In total, Nisai Learning enrolls
- 2720 students from
- 16 different nationalities.
Designated Safeguarding Leads and Policies, Wellbeing Centre with access to online resources, pastoral support