My Education Online
- from 6
- to 19 years old
4 different nationalities
- from 3400
- to 6300
25 students
Founded in 2020
Our online primary school offers a well-rounded curriculum for Year 2 (Key Stage 1) and Years 3–6 (Key Stage 2), focusing on building essential skills. Through an innovative online platform, we create an inclusive, supportive environment that prepares students for a smooth transition to secondary education.
Our online secondary program covers Years 7–9 (Key Stage 3), Years 10–11 (Key Stage 4), and Years 12–13 (Key Stage 5) of the British Curriculum. Delivered by qualified, experienced educators, it emphasises accessibility, flexibility, and academic excellence, preparing students for globally recognised qualifications such as iGCSEs and International A-levels.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to My Education Online?
- from 3400
- to 6300
Things to know
How many students are in My Education Online?
25 students
- In total, My Education Online enrolls
- 25 students from
- 4 different nationalities.
Each class has a maximum of 4 students in lower primary school (Year 2 to Year 4) and 6 students in upper primary and secondary school (Year 5 to Year 13).