Lycée Français de Zurich
- from 3
- to 17 years old
39 different nationalities
- from 7500
1360 students
Founded in 1956
AEFE - Education nationale française - Canton de Zurich
The school is part of the worldwide AEFE network, which ensures that teaching conforms to the curricula of the French Ministry of Education. The educational offer is based on early language learning.
The school’s teaching is also recognized by the Canton of Zurich’s Department of Education.
Extra curricular
Before- and after-school care, from 7.50 a.m. to 6 p.m.
After-school sports and creative workshops
Recreational Wednesdays
Shuttles with 4 different pick-up routes in Zurich
On-site catering
Sports association and lunchtime workshops
School trips
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Lycée Français de Zurich?
- from 7500
Day school tuition
Things to know
From January
How many students are in Lycée Français de Zurich?
1360 students
- In total, Lycée Français de Zurich enrolls
- 1360 students from
- 39 different nationalities.
Full-time nurse on the premises.Security traffic warden at the entrance to the building.Traffic wardens in front of the building.2016 building, compliant with all current standards.
1 adult for 8 children on average