Lakefield College School
- from 13
- to 18 years old
43 different nationalities
- from 40500
- to 82400
432 students
Founded in 1879
CAIS, TABS, CIS Ontario, NAIS, Round Square
Canadian Curriculum, Advanced Placement
Extra curricular
Developing Young Leaders:
One of Lakefield College School’s defining characteristics is its long-held commitment to developing leadership and character in students. Students flourish under the guidance of residential heads of house, teachers, coaches and advisors.
The school’s focus on leadership is formalized in its Leadership, Character, Values Program (LCV) which encompasses all grade levels, is supported by grade mentors, and includes intersession excursion opportunities. The LCV program focuses on four pillars of development at each grade level: The Confident Self (Grade 9), Stewardship (Grade 10), Citizenship (Grade 11), and Leadership (Grade 12). The LCV program equips students with a set of tools to apply in all aspects of their lives and acts as a conduit for engagement in experiential learning opportunities, service projects, athletics, cocurriculars, the Round Square, and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award program.
Lakefield College School’s reputation for leadership development is well-founded. Our graduates have received offers of admission to exceptional postsecondary institutions from around the world, where they have followed their passions for architecture and interior design, commerce and management, economics, engineering, geomatics, hospitality, international relations, kinesiology, law, nursing, pharmacy, psychology, publishing and digital culture, the sciences and other fields.
The goal of Lakefield College School is to enable each student to develop their individual potential as self-confident and ethical leaders who are innovative, inspiring and committed, and who are positioned to make a difference in whatever future endeavours they choose to pursue.
For a majority of LCS students, the school is their home-away-from-home, an intimate community where they engage in a wide range of co-curricular activities and a diverse, vibrant social life. The beautiful natural campus, and relaxed atmosphere means students feel comfortable being themselves. The small community also means students feel heard and supported by teachers and residential staff. All the while, students are challenged to take charge and demonstrate leadership in their life and the community.
Dining room
Tennis court
Soccer court
Basketball court
Volleyball court
Hockey field
Arts room
Music room
Running track
Dance studio
Science room
Ice rink
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Lakefield College School?
- from 40500
- to 82400
Day school tuition
Boarding school tuition
Things to know
Grades 9 – 12
How many students are in Lakefield College School?
432 students
- In total, Lakefield College School enrolls
- 432 students from
- 43 different nationalities.
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